Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Ed, if you by any chance are reading this we love quick greens and some challenging hole locations, but today was PGA/LPGA material. Top dressing and then rolling mid round made things really tough, not that the Old Timers aren't tough guys, but come on man! ease up a little. The course is in excellent condition, with the leaves changing FCCC is a gem right now. 11 old timer's showed up today and one team battled the conditions better than the rest. Dave A, Tom and Charlie J with even, even, even, win everything today. Dave A takes the front +2, Charlie V takes 2nd and six of you tied for 3rd. Yours truly completes all three Charlie's taking home a little cash from the pot today, with a +3 on the back. Tom, Charlie's Vand J tie 2nd with +1. Charlie V takes total, +2. Charlie J 2nd +1. Too bad if your name wasn't Charlie today. It looks like Thursday is a rainout, so see you all Saturday at 11:00. Charlie Voss +1 to 30. Dave Dister -1 to 29. Aholt 30 * Blackwell 30 * Clark 34 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 35 * Curtis 30 * Dister 29 * Dunlavy 24 * Eggert 30 * Eichelberger 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 31 * Harrison 24 * Homeyer, Dale 14 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 26 * Lee 36 * Loyd 25 * Miller 24 * Moosmann 30 * Morris 24 * Nealis 25 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 31 * Thater 27 * Stoehner 25 * Voss, C. 30 * Voss, D. 33 *

Saturday, October 23, 2021


Golf today was again challenging, we had a little rain for the front nine, and again really tough hole locations. One group stood up and took control of the situation. Team Terry, Dean, Dennis K, plus yours truly won the front, back and total with scores of +3, +8 +11. Surprisingly, the winner from the front didn't come from this team. Charlie V with a nice even par on the front +4, takes individual. Tom, Dave D and Dennis tie for 2nd. On the back the winning team also claimed most of the individual money. Yours truly with +4, Dennis with +3, and Dean with +1, (Jim ties for 3rd ) take the back. Dennis +5 wins total while team Charlie V and C tie for 2nd total. A rare occurrence happened today...everyone on the winning team today was even or positive for the entire day, considering the challenging cnditions. Well done!!\\ Today I did the quotas before I had my "toddies". Leroy Eggert -1 to 30. Bill Hall -1 to 31. Paul Nealis -1 to 25. Aholt 30 * Blackwell 30 * Clark 34 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 35 * Curtis 30 * Dister 30 * Dunlavy 24 * Eggert 30 * Eichelberger 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 31 * Harrison 24 * Homeyer, Dale 14 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 26 * Lee 36 * Loyd 25 * Miller 24 * Moosmann 30 * Morris 24 * Nealis 25 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 31 * Thater 27 * Stoehner 25 * Voss, C. 29 * Voss, D. 33 *

Friday, October 22, 2021


Dave Aholt -1 to 30. Charlie Johnson -1 to 31. Charlie Voss -1 to 29. Aholt 30 * Blackwell 30 * Clark 34 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 35 * Curtis 30 * Dister 30 * Dunlavy 24 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 32 * Harrison 24 * Homeyer, Dale 14 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 26 * Lee 36 * Loyd 25 * Miller 24 * Moosmann 30 * Morris 24 * Nealis 26 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 31 * Thater 27 * Stoehner 25 * Voss, C. 29 * Voss, D. 33 *


It's no wonder with the conditions out there none of the Old Timers was positive for the day. Just when you think that the hole locations can't get any more difficult...they do! Twelve of us struggled to get the ball in the hole all day long. Once again it was four teams of three, which is a great game. The front was a little easier to score on as two teams managed to be +2. Charlie V , Jim, and Lroy tied with Dave D, Dennis K, and yours truly. The back was really ugly....reminds me of a little ditty we used to sing.....U G L Y you ain't got no alibi you Ugly!! you Ugly! Dave D, Dennis and yours truly wins the back -7 and also total -5. Individual scoring was not pretty either....Jim ( a baby Old Timer) was even for the day and took total. Pretty decent round. Dave D, Rich, and Tom tie the front with +2. Bob, Jim and Charlie C tie the back -1. Dennis is 2nd on the back as Dave D and Charlie C tie for 3rd. It was made official yesterday...the leaf rule is in effect until further notice. Again, to receive relief from a ball not found in a leafy area, it must be assumed that the ball would have been found if not for the leaves. Balls in the woods, near a hazard or the water probably will receive no relief. Before ending todays blog, I want to address my "eye" comments from Tuesday. It appears that my attempt at humor missed the mark and came off as a little offensive or defensive (depending on your side of the story). Enough said. See you all Saturday.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


I have one simple thought.....if you don't like my temporary eye condition....you don't have to look at it. For the record I was helping a teammate locate his errant shot. As they say...no good deed goes unpunished. Another thought...instead of me wearing an eye patch...you could wear two of them...problem solved. Today was a fabulous weather day, the course is as good as we can expect. The hole locations were extremely tough..I did see Ed playing this evening...at least he gets to experience what we do. Today 12 of us played as four threesomes...which is a fabulous game. Team Charlie V and C, along with Mac won the front...Oh wait our accountant pointed out that his team.. Terry, Lroy, and Charlie J actually won with +2. Bob, Bill and Rich take the back +1, while two teams tied for total -3. You know who you are. Charlie C wins the front +4, Charlie J 2nd +2, Charlie V and Terry tie 3rd. All three Charlie's cashed in on the front. Rich and Dave D tie on the back with +2. Bob and Dennis K tie for 3rd. Dave D with the only positive front and back takes total +3. Rich is 2nd +2 and Charlie's Vand J tying for 3rd. Not bad golf today for really challenging conditions. Mack Miller -1 to 24. Aholt 31 * Blackwell 30 * Clark 34 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 35 * Curtis 30 * Dister 30 * Dunlavy 24 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 32 * Harrison 24 * Homeyer, Dale 14 * Johnson 32 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 26 * Lee 36 * Loyd 25 * Miller 24 * Moosmann 30 * Morris 24 * Nealis 26 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 31 * Thater 27 * Stoehner 25 * Voss, C. 30 * Voss, D. 33 *

Wednesday, October 13, 2021



Beautiful day yesterday as 11 Old Timer's took to the course. Lot's of good golfing your ball, as 9 of the 11 were positive or even for the day. Let's start today reporting the individual results.....Rich +4 wins the front, with Jeff K and Bob coming in 2nd with +3 each. Steady play saw Bob winning the back and total at +3, +6. Excellent play yesterday Bob!! A nice little 67. Bill is 2nd on the back +2, with two of you tying for 3rd. With a pair of +3's (Dave I apologize for interrupting you multiple times during your announcement of the scores) Jeff and Bill tie 2nd total. Rich and Jeff led Leroy and yours truly to a victory on the front with a fine +8 total. As might be expected Bob led a strong team (Dave D, Bill, and Tom) to victory on the back and total +4, +9. Team Charlie (V and J) along with Dennis K.....thanks for coming. Only one change. Dennis Kossmann drops 1 to 26. Aholt 31 * Blackwell 30 * Clark 34 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 35 * Curtis 30 * Dister 30 * Dunlavy 24 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 32 * Harrison 24 * Homeyer, Dale 14 * Johnson 32 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 26 * Lee 36 * Loyd 25 * Miller 25 * Moosmann 30 * Morris 24 * Nealis 26 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 31 * Thater 27 * Stoehner 25 * Voss, C. 30 * Voss, D. 33 *

Thursday, October 7, 2021


The greens are recovering nicely from aerification, some are really soft and some are really firm, and some are just right. But they could be a little quicker...I'm just say'in. Only 2 of the 11 Old Timer's were positive today, and both they and their teams won money todat. Charlie J led Rich and Dennis K to victories on the back and total..+2, -2. Tom led his team, Ryan, Dave A, and Bill to a victory on the front +1. Tom won the front +5, tied for 2nd on the back and won total +6. 3 tied for 2nd on the front. Rich turned around his -4 on the front to win the back with +2. Charlie's J ad C take 2nd and 3rd respectfully for total. There will not be a Saturday game due to the Hummingbird Tourney. Tom Dunlavy +1 to 24. Bob Coleman -1 to 34. Aholt 31 * Blackwell 30 * Clark 34 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 35 * Curtis 30 * Dister 30 * Dunlavy 24 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 32 * Harrison 24 * Homeyer, Dale 14 * Johnson 32 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 27 * Lee 36 * Loyd 25 * Miller 25 * Moosmann 30 * Morris 24 * Nealis 26 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 31 * Thater 27 * Stoehner 25 * Voss, C. 30 * Voss, D. 33 *

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


The temperature was great for fall golf, off of the paths, and most of the rough saw the rough mower at least come close to each hole. The greens are getting better and rolling much better. Only three of us managed to be positive for the day, while the remaining 7 struggled a bit. Charlie V, Dennis and Dave A win the front and total, +3, +1. Bob, Terry and Rich win the back at -1. Dennis wins the front +3, with Dave A taking 2nd +2, and tying for 1st total with Terry +4. Terry wins the back +3, and Dave A taking 2nd +2. Too many ties for third too mention names...play a little better to get your name in the blog...For the record Dave A gains 1 to 31...I was just a little premature..... Dave Aholt +1 to 31. Charlie Curtis -1 to 30. Terry Moosmann +1 to 30. Aholt 31 * Blackwell 30 * Clark 34 * Coleman 35 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 35 * Curtis 30 * Dister 30 * Dunlavy 23 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 32 * Harrison 24 * Homeyer, Dale 14 * Johnson 32 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 27 * Lee 36 * Loyd 25 * Miller 25 * Moosmann 30 * Morris 24 * Nealis 26 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 31 * Thater 27 * Stoehner 25 * Voss, C. 30 * Voss, D. 33 *

Monday, October 4, 2021


In 1923, Who Was: 1. President of the largest steel company? 2. President of the largest gas company? 3. President of the New York Stock Exchange? 4. Greatest wheat speculator 5. President of the Bank of International Settlement? 6. Great Bear of Wall Street? These men were considered some of the world’s most successful of their days. Now, 98 years later, the history book asks us, if we know what ultimately became of them. The Answers: 1. The president of the largest steel company. Charles Schwab, died a pauper. 2. The president of the largest gas company, Edward Hopson, went insane 3. The president of the NYSE, Richard Whitney, was released from prison to die at home. 4. The greatest wheat speculator, Arthur Cooger, died abroad, penniless. 5. The president of the Bank of International Settlement, shot himself. 6. The Great Bear of Wall Street, Cosabee Livermore, also committed suicide. However: in that same year, 1923, the PGA Champion and the winner of the most important golf tournament, the US Open, was Gene Sarazen. What became of him? He played golf until he was 92, died in 1999 at the age of 95. He was financially secure at the time of his death. The Moral: Screw work. Play golf.