Friday, December 31, 2021

So long to 2021

Thursday Dec 30 On a nice day in the 40's but with no wind nine old timers showed up to ring out the old year. Parity was the name of the game with no one more than 4 strokes away from victory in the Nassau and only 3 skins out. Team Charlie plus Ryan E eked out a victory on the front and total with Bill, Tom, and Josh winning the back in a tie breaker. The Voss clan won two of the skins with Bill winning the third. #7 was closest to the pin and Mr Hall won in a slam dunk.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Off with his head! Winter Commissioner falls down

Thursday 12/16 on a brisk sunny day 9 energetic optimistic old timers played a 2 best ball, 50% skins, and closest to the hole on 3 & 5. The teams were randam draw (my bad) and the elite team of Hall, Voss, and Coleman lapped the field. Tom got two skins and 5 others got one. Voss and Harrison got the closest to the pins. Since our Old Timers group is based on a handicap philosophy in the future we will attempt to meet one criteria: "On the 1st tee box everyone has a chance"

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

A full house beats all

Tuesday the 14 was a full house of 12 old timers including one on leave from constructing the border wall. The format was 2 man best ball and 50% handicaped skins. Skins were hard to get with 4 old timers getting one each. Best ball, however, was a slam dunk with the team of Loyd/Johnson winning front -3, total -5, and tying back -2. Off season commissioner Johnson promises a varied number of formats depending on # of players and welcomes suggestions(don't call me, i will call you)

Friday, December 10, 2021

Thursday, December 8, perfection on five

What a day, what a round, what a life. after 25 years of golf I have finally witnessed a hole-in-one. Dennis K Lofted a beautiful ball on number five into a white flag it landed and disappeared. On the day the team of Tom, Leroy, Rich, and Dave L swept the team game. In singles Dennis and Rich tied for the front and Tom on the back and total with Dennis second on total. After play we decided to abandon the points game for the winter and play various other games depending on the number of players.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Saturday 12/4

 A blustery Saturday found 7 old timers battling for the enormous purse present in today’s golfing world. The team of Dennis K, Bill, and Jeff won handily. Jim, Charlie V, and Tom played valiantly but the lead weight provided by yours truly was too much to overcome. Seventeen guys tied on the front and DK won back and total. I would like everyone’s input on some winter formats. Several players have expressed discontent with keeping the same # all winter. Give me ideas please.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


BELOW ARE THE TOP 12 OLD TIMER DAYS OF 2021. AFTER REVIEWING EACH BLOG, THE FOLLOWING STOOD OUT TO YOURS TRULY AS OUTSTANDING PLAY........................................ MARCH 6..............................................OPENING DAY..EVEN WITH BILL HALLS -3, HIS TEAM OF JIM, RYAN AND CHARLIE J MANAGE +6, +7, +13. MAY 23......................................................................................................+10, +4, +14 BY TOM, CHARLIES V, J, C. JUNE........................................................................................................NOTHING GOOD HAPPENED THE ENTIRE MONTH JULY 16..................................................................................THE ACTING COMMISH, DAVE D +9, AND BOB 32 0N THE FRONT +5 JULY 29................................................................................................................BILL 68, +9, WITH NO BOGEYS AUGUST 6............................................................................... TOM, CHARLIE'S V AND J, MIKE C +15 ON THE BACK, AND TOM +9 AUGUST 12.............................................................................................................................BILL 69, +8 AUGUST 17.....................................................................................................+8, +8, +16..BILL, CHARLIE'S V AND J SEPTEMBER 24.............................................................................................................................BOB 65 +8 OCTOBER 13................................................................................................................................BOB...67 OCTOBER 23 ............................................................................................................................+3, +8, +11 NOVEMBER 27..........................................................................................................CHARLIE V SHOOTS HIS AGE...72 NOVEMBER 30...............................................................................................................DAVE A SHOOTS HIS AGE 71 WELL DONE BY EVERYONE...IT WAS TRULY A VERY GOOD YEAR FOR THE OLD TIMERS. STAY TUNED UNTIL NEXT SEASON WHEN A NEW BLOGGER WILL BE REPORTING THE COMINGS AND GOINGS OF THE GROUP. IT HAS BEEN A REMARKABLE TIME REPORTING OUR ACTIVITIES TO YOU. LATER.........