Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday, July 30th: Meyer Does Not Melt in the Heat (+4), 75!!!

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for August are #3 & #14.

Conditions:  On Tuesday, six golfers sweated on a hot & steamy day, 89-93 degrees, 3-5 mph winds, 70% humidity, dry fairways and slow greens.

Team Winners:  Coleman, Dunlavy & Hall won the front (-2) & total (-4) and tied Eggert, Meyer & Moosman on the back (-2).

Individual Winners:  Eggert won the front (+1).  Meyer won the back (+4) and total (+4).

Closest to the Holes:  Coleman won #7 and Moosman took #11.

Even/Plus Points Club: Meyer (+4) and Coleman & Dunlavy (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  Coleman & Meyer (75).

Golf Quote: “On being asked, before his final round, what he had to shoot to win the golf tournament. – "The rest of the field. – Roger Maltbie

Golf Stuff:  “After all these years, it’s still embarrassing for me to play on the American golf tour. Like the time I asked my caddie for a sand wedge and he came back ten minutes later with a ham on rye.” ~ Chi Chi Rodriguez.

Quota Increases:   All (+2):  Meyer… All (+1): Coleman

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Hall

Quotas: Aholt 30 * Alferman 34 * Bean 33 * Blackwell 32 * Clark 36 * Coleman 33 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 30 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 31 * Hall 28 * Herrick 28 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 30 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 26 * Morris 25  * Meyer 30 * Nealis 22 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 32 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 28 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 29 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 26 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 31 * Zastrow, Josh 36 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Saturday, July 27th: Gildehaus (+8) & Dister (+5) Astound!!!

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for July are #7 & #11.

Conditions:  On Saturday, seven golfers participated on a warm & cloudy day, 77-78 degrees, 1-2 mph winds, 90% humidity, dry fairways and slow greens.

Team Winners:  Dister, J. Gildehaus, Bryan Gildehaus, & Hall swept the front (+5), back (+7) and total (+12).

Individual Winners:  J. Gildehaus swept the front (+4), back (+4) and total (+8).

Closest to the Holes:  Johnson won #7 and Brian Gildehaus took #11.

Even/Plus Points Club: J. Gildehaus (+8), Dister (+5), Eichelberger (+2), Coleman (+1) and Johnson (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  Gildehaus (70), Coleman (74), Eichelberger (74) & Dister (75).

Golf Quote: “When you lip out several putts in a row, you should never think that means that you’re putting well. When you’re putting well, the only question is what part of the hole it’s going to fall in, not if it’s going in.” – Jack Nicklaus

Golf Stuff:  Two old golf buddies were standing on a tee box overlooking a river, preparing to hit their tee shots. The first golfer pointed down the river, turned to the other golfer and said, “Look at those idiots fishing in the rain!”

Quota Increases:   All (+2):  J. Gildehaus

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Hall

Quotas: Aholt 30 * Alferman 34 * Bean 33 * Blackwell 32 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 30 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 31 * Hall 29 * Herrick 28 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 30 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 26 * Morris 25  * Meyer 28 * Nealis 22 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 32 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 28 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 29 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 26 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 31 * Zastrow, Josh 36

Friday, July 26, 2024

Thursday, July 25th: Tiefenbrunn (+10) & Eggert (+5) on a Muggy Day!!!

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for July are #7 & #11.

Conditions:  On Thursday, eleven golfers participated on a sweaty and calm day, 87-89 degrees, 1-2 mph winds, 60% humidity, dry fairways and slow greens.

Team Winners:  Blackwell, Coleman, Dunlavy & Purschke won the front (+2).  Eggert, Hall, Moosman & Tiefenbrunn won the back (+12) and total (+13).

Individual Winners:  Tiefenbrunn swept the front (+4), back (+6) and total (+10).

Closest to the Holes:  Coleman won #7 and Dunlavy took #11.

Even/Plus Points Club: Tiefenbrunn (+10), Eggert (+5), Dister & Hall (+3), Dunlavy (+2) and Blackwell, Coleman & Johnson (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  Tiefenbrunn (70), Eggert (73) and Coleman & Hall (75).

Golf Quote: “The proper score for a businessman golfer is 90. If he is better than that he is neglecting his business. If he’s worse, he’s neglecting his golf.”  St. Andrews Rotary Club Member

Golf Stuff:  Hank’s golf partner dies suddenly. A few days after the funeral, his spirit comes to visit Hank. “You won’t believe it, Hank, but there’s golf in Heaven!” Hank replies, that’s wonderful, to which the ghost replies, “Well, don’t be too excited. You have a tee-off time scheduled there this Saturday.”

Quota Increases:   All (+2):  Eggert & Tiefenbrunn….  All (+1): Blackwell & Hall

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Moosman & Voss

Quotas: Aholt 30 * Alferman 34 * Bean 33 * Blackwell 32 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 30 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 30 * Herrick 28 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 30 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 26 * Morris 25  * Meyer 28 * Nealis 22 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 32 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 28 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 29 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 26 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 31 * Zastrow, Josh 36

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tuesday, July 23rd: Moosman Sells Business & Is All Business (+3)!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to Leroy Eggert (Senior) and Bob Coleman (Super Senior) on winning their respective club championships this past weekend!!!

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for June are #7 & #11.

Conditions:  On Tuesday, seven golfers participated on a warm and calm day, 83-86 degrees, 1-3 mph winds, 60% humidity, dry fairways and slightly slowish greens.

Team Winners:  Coleman, Dunlavy, Johnson & Moosman won the front (+5) and total (€).  Hall, Miller & O. Zastrow won the back (-2).

Individual Winners:  Moosman won the front (+5) and total (+3). Coleman & O. Zastrow tied the back (€).

Closest to the Holes:  Coleman won #7 and Johnson took #11.

Even/Plus Points Club:  Moosman (+3) and Coleman (+2).

75 & Below Score Club:  Coleman (73).

Golf Quote: “You can make a lot of money in this game. Just ask my ex-wives. Both of them are so rich that neither of their husband’s work.” – Lee Trevino

Golf Stuff:  Between 1457 and 1744, golf was banned in Scotland due to its interference with military training. Those caught playing golf during the ban faced fines of four pence. However, the ban was eventually lifted in 1744, thanks to the royal endorsement of King James IV and the signing of the Treaty of Perpetual Peace between Scotland and England in 1502.

Quota Increases:   All (+1): Moosman

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Hall

Quotas: Aholt 30 * Alferman 34 * Bean 33 * Blackwell 31 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 30 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 29 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 29 * Herrick 28 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 30 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 27 * Morris 25  * Meyer 28 * Nealis 22 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 32 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 28 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 27 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 27 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 31 * Zastrow, Josh 36

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday, July 18th: Johnson Sparkles on a Spectacular Day (+4)!!!

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for June are #7 & #11.

Conditions:  On Thursday, thirteen golfers participated on a fabulous weather day, 78-81 degrees, 3-7 mph winds, 55% humidity, dry fairways and slightly fast greens.

Team Winners:  Blackwell, Dunlavy & Moosman won the front (-2).  Coleman, Johnson, Kossmann & Purschke won the back (+2) and total (-2).

Individual Winners:  Dunlavy won the front (+3). Clark, Johnson & Kossmann tied the back (+3). Johnson won the total (+4).

Closest to the Holes:  Johnson won #7 and Dister took #11.

Even/Plus Points Club:  Johnson (+4), Clark (+2), Dister, Dunlavy & Kossmann (+1) and Coleman & Miller (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  Clark (69), Johnson (73) & Coleman (75).

Golf Quote: “Every golfer can expect to have four bad shots in a round.” – Walter Hagen

Golf Stuff:  From 1916 to 1957, with three years missed due to World War I and World War II, the PGA Championship was played in a match-play format. Thirty-two players formed the first-ever field, evolving to 128 contestants in 1957. The last match-play edition of the PGA Championship demanded nine rounds in five days. In 1958, the format changed to stroke play with two cuts.

Quota Increases:   All (+1): Dister & Johnson

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Blackwell, Hall & Mossman

Quotas: Aholt 30 * Alferman 34 * Bean 33 * Blackwell 31 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 30 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 29 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 30 * Herrick 28 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 30 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 26 * Morris 25  * Meyer 28 * Nealis 22 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 32 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 28 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 27 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 27 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 31 * Zastrow, Josh 36

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday, July 13th: Young Guns Slay: O. Zastrow & Tiefenbrunn (+5)!!!

Note #1:  Next TUESDAY & THURSDAY:  1:00 tee times due to AJGA.

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for June are #7 & #11.

Conditions:  On Saturday, ten golfers participated on a very warm and sunny day, 81-89 degrees, 5-8 mph winds, 70% humidity, dry fairways and slightly fast greens.

Team Winners:  Dister, Eichelberger, Tiefenbrunn & Voss won the front (+4) and total (+5).  Hall, Johnson & O. Zastrow won the back (+3).

Individual Winners:  O. Zastrow won the front (+2) and tied Tiefenbrunn for the back (+3) and total (+5).

Closest to the Holes:  Tiefenbrunn won #7 and O. Zastrow took #11.

Even/Plus Points Club:  Tiefenbrunn & O. Zastrow (+5), Voss (+3), Hall (+1) and Eichelberger & J. Zastrow (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  J. Zastrow (71), O. Zastrow (72) and Hall (75) .

Golf Quote: “Golf is not, and never has been, a fair game.” – Jack Nicklaus

Golf Stuff:  The average up & down percentages:  PGA – 58%, 0 Hdcp – 55%, 5 Hdcp – 40%, 10 Hdcp – 32%, 15 Hdcp – 25%, 20 Hdcp – 19%, 25 Hdcp – 15%

Quota Increases:   All (+1): Tiefenbrunn, Voss & O. Zastrow

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Dister, Johnson & Kossmann

Quotas:  Aholt 30 * Alferman 34 * Bean 33 * Blackwell 32 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 30 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 26 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 29 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 31 * Herrick 28 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 30 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 30 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 27 * Morris 25  * Meyer 28 * Nealis 22 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 32 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 28 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 27 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 27 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 31 * Zastrow, Josh 36

Friday, July 12, 2024

Thursday, July 11th: It’s Miller Time (+6)!!!

Note #1:  Next TUESDAY & THURSDAY:  1:00 tee times due to AJGA.

NOTE #2:   Closest to the holes for July are #7 & #11.

Conditions:  On Thursday, fourteen golfers participated on a warm and sunny day, 83-88 degrees, 2-3 mph winds, 65% humidity, moist fairways and slightly fast greens.

Team Winners:  Herrick, Meyer & O. Zastrow won the front (+2).  Clark, Hall, Miller and Scheidegger took the back (+4) and total (+3).

Individual Winners:  Miller won the front (+3) and total (+6) and tied Coleman & Hall on the back (+3).

Closest to the Holes:  Voss won #7 and Coleman took #11.

Even/Plus Points Club:  Miller (+6), Johnson (+3), Coleman (2), Hall & Herrick (+1) and Clark & Purschke (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  Clark (71), Coleman & Johnson (73) and Hall (75) .

Golf Quote: “My favourite shots are the practice swing and the conceded putt. The rest can never be mastered.” – Lord Robertson

Golf Stuff: Tour-quality players tally up an average of 12.06 Greens in Regulation (GIR) per round (a shade over two thirds of their holes) while leaving their under-par putt at a median 23 feet away.

Quota Increases:   All (+1): Herrick & Miller

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Kossmann, Nealis, Scheidegger & Voss

Quotas:  Aholt 30 * Alferman 34 * Bean 33 * Blackwell 32 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 30 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 29 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 31 * Herrick 28 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 31 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 27 * Morris 25  * Meyer 28 * Nealis 22 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 32 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 28 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 26 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 26 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 30 * Zastrow, Josh 36

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saturday, July 6th: Dister, Eggert & Owen Z. All (+3)!!!

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for June are #7 & #11.

Conditions:  On Saturday, Nine golfers participated on a very warm and sunny day, 80-85 degrees, 4-6 mph winds, 55% humidity, moist fairways and slightly slowish greens.

Team Winners:  Coleman, Dister & Eggert won the front (+2).  Eichelberger, Kossmann & O. Zastrow won the back (+5) and total (+6).

Individual Winners:  Coleman & O. Zastrow tied the front (+2).  Dister won the back (+4) and tied Eggert and O. Zastrow for total (+3).

Closest to the Holes:  Nobody won #7 and O. Zastrow took #11.

Even/Plus Points Club:  Dister, Eggert & O. Zastrow (+3), Eichelberger (+2) and Dunlavy (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  Eichelberger (74) and Kossmann 75 .

Golf Quote: “Placing the ball in the right position for the next shot is eighty percent of winning golf.” – Ben Hogan

Golf Stuff: One of the most remarkable feats in golf is shooting your age. Fred Couples calls his final round 60 to win a PGA Tour Champions tournament in 2022 at age 63 the best round of his life. Sam Snead was the youngest PGA Tour player to shoot his age when he recorded a second-round 67 in the 1979 Quad Cities Open, and he topped that with a final round 66.

Quota Increases:   All (+1): Eggert, Kossmann & O. Zastrow

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Johnson

Quotas:  Aholt 30 * Alferman 34 * Bean 33 * Blackwell 32 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 30 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 29 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 31 * Herrick 27 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 32 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 21 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 27 * Morris 25  * Meyer 28 * Nealis 23 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 33 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 28 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 26 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 27 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 29 * Zastrow, Josh 36

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tuesday, July 2nd: The Moose Was Loose (+6), 76!!!

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for June are #7 & #11.

Conditions:  On Tuesday, Eleven golfers participated on a hot and sunny day, 84-93 degrees, 7-8 mph winds, 55% humidity, good fairways and slightly fast greens.

Team Winners:  Coleman, Eichelberger & Moosman swept the front (+3), back (+7) and total (+10).

Individual Winners:  Moosman won the front (+3), total (+6) and tied Eggert for the back (+3).

Closest to the Holes:  Eichelberger won #7 and Coleman took #11.

Even/Plus Points Club:  Moosman (+6), Coleman (+5), Clark & Purschke (+2) and Fortner (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  Clark (69) & Coleman (71).

Golf Quote: “A good golfer has the determination to win and the patience to wait for the breaks” – Gary Player

Golf Stuff: Up & down percentages:  PGA 58%... 0 HCP 55%... 5 HCP 40%... 10 HCP 32%... 15 HCP 25%... 20 HCP 19%... 25 HCP 15%

Quota Increases:   Moosman (+2)… Coleman (+1)

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Fortner & Hall

Quotas:  Aholt 30 * Alferman 34 * Bean 33 * Blackwell 32 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 30 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 28 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 31 * Herrick 27 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 32 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 31 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 21 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 27 * Morris 25  * Meyer 28 * Nealis 23 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 33 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 28 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 26 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 27 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 28 * Zastrow, Josh 36