Monday, March 10, 2025

Saturday, March 8th: Moosman Wins the Day (+5), 74!!

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for March are #5 & #11.

Conditions:  On Saturday, eleven golfers played on a nice and mostly sunny day. 47-54 degrees, 3-7 mph winds, 30% humidity, moist fairways and the mid+ speed greens.  The greens were finally mowed!

Team Winners:  Dunlavy, Stapp, Tiefenbrunn and Zastrow won the front (+6).  Crow, Eggert, Moosman & Scheidegger won the back.  Clark, Eichelberger & Hall won the total (+5).

Individual Winners:  Clark won the front (+4).  Moosman took the back (+5) and total (+5).

Closest to the Holes:  Crow won #3 and Dunlavy won #14.

Even/Plus Points Club: Moosman (+5), Eichelberger (+4), Clark (+3), Dunlavy (+2), Scheidegger (+1), Zastrow (+1) and Stapp (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  Clark (70), Eichelberger (73), Moosman & Stapp (74) and Scheidegger (75).

Golf Quote: “A good player who is a great putter is a match for any golfer. A great hitter who cannot putt is a match for no one." - Ben Sayers

Golf Stuff: The lowest score ever recorded in a single round on the PGA Tour is 58, achieved by Jim Furyk during the final round of the 2016 Travelers Championship. This incredible feat remains unmatched in PGA Tour history. Furyk's round included 10 birdies, an eagle, and no bogeys, making it a truly historic performance.

Quota Increases:  All (+1)… Eichelberger

Quota Decreases:  All (-1)…  Hall, Scheidegger, Tiefenbrunn and Owen Zastrow

Quotas: Aholt 31 * Alferman 34 * Baer 31 * Blackwell 28 * Breid 23 * Clark 35 * Coleman 28 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 33 * Curran 28 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 29 * Dunlavy 22 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 28 * Eichelberger 31 * Elcan 30 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 31 * Hall 25 * Herrick 23 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 27 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 28 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Marquart 27 * Miller 20 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 28 * Morris 25  * Meyer 27 * Nealis 22 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 30 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 27 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 24 (Black Tees) * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 25 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 29 * Zastrow, Josh 35