Tuesday, April 30, 2019

rain and thunder postpones back nine today

the rain and thunder gods shortened our day today. we were lucky to finish the front nine before all hell broke loose. once again the "king" (bill hall) won individual with a +3. the team of dd,rp,tm, and da won the team with a score of +1. greenies were #3 cc(touchdown), #5 dd, and #7 cj. a rumor started today questioning how the "king" can be plus every week, but his points stay at 27? just maybe is it because he and the acting commish are neighbors downtown? just maybe they meet up after dinner to split the "kings" winnings after every golf day? just maybe we need to subpoena the official score ledgers? just thinking? welcome back to bob coleman, from his winter in texas. on the second tee, bob asked the "king", how the hell do you keep score in this game? hopefully, the skies will clear for Thursday. Krakow Charlie...out.

updated point totals

Aholt 28
Coleman 30
Curtis 32
Dister 28
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 27
Harrison 15
Johnson 26
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 25
Loyd 23
Mitch 24
Moosmann 26
Morris 22
Nealis 23
Purschke 21
Scuito 27
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

hopefully we will be able to play today.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

rain out guidelines

good evening old timers..if your reading this..you still have a pulse. acting commish d dister has requested that I post guidelines concerning what happens if we cannot complete our round due to inclement weather. if 9 holes are completed by all players..but not all 18, then we will declare a 9 hole individual and team winner only. any par threes that are finished by all players will also be paid. please refrain from jumping in your car and bolting on rainouts without paying all amounts due. the acting commish also mentioned issuing weekly 1099's for those winning more than $5.00, ( I think this is directed towards b. hall). see you tomorrow at 11:55 sharp.

updated point totals

Johnson moves to 26 based on White/Gold tees:

Aholt 28
Coleman 30
Curtis 32
Dister 28
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 27
Harrison 15
Johnson 26
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 25
Loyd 23
Mitch 24
Moosman 27
Morris 22
Nealis 24
Purschke 21
Scuito 27
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tough day at FCCC

Well....according to some of the really old timers.....no need to call them out by name....today was a recording breaking day. 8 of us showed up today to battle the course and the elements (aka bumpy and slow greens). At least my team was challenged...C Voss, R Purschke, D Dister and yours truly was soundly ( and apparently a group record) defeated by 15 points on the front by B Hall, T Moosman, D Aholt,  and C Johnson. B Hall shot 34 on the front and won with +6. C Johnson won the back with +4. B Hall won total with +6. Overall team Hall won total by +20!!!Greenies were Hall #3, Dister #5 and 7, Moosman #11, and Aholt #14. Shots of the day were a chip in on #12 by Dister, and a 20 foot breaker from the back of 17 by Purschke for birdie!! Apparently no one from the Hall group had any shots to mention. Team Voss got off to a bumpy start when we couldn"t agree who should ride with each other.. and never got back on track. Well....there's always another chance on Thursday.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Good evening to all. Before I begin blabbering, I want to apologize in advance to anyone that is offended by any of my attempts at humor. Today was a beautiful day on the links. Four of us showed up to battle the wind and heat. The three Charlie's and DD had a little head to head match, with less than a dollar exchanging hands. Tomorrow looks iffy, but do your best to show up. If nothing else get your first chance to see our new blog. Below is a list of players and their current points total:

Voss, C...27
Voss, D...33

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Welcome to all old timers

Welcome to the first posting of the newly created Krakow Old Timers Golf Group!!
You can expect in the future to see updates of the weekly results of those old timers playing in the weekly Tuesday and Thursday games. Hopefully, it will include each players raw score, points total, + or - for the day, greenies won, and future points required. If my skills permit, I will also include a running total of each persons last 20 scores.
See you on the course.