Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tough day at FCCC

Well....according to some of the really old timers.....no need to call them out by name....today was a recording breaking day. 8 of us showed up today to battle the course and the elements (aka bumpy and slow greens). At least my team was challenged...C Voss, R Purschke, D Dister and yours truly was soundly ( and apparently a group record) defeated by 15 points on the front by B Hall, T Moosman, D Aholt,  and C Johnson. B Hall shot 34 on the front and won with +6. C Johnson won the back with +4. B Hall won total with +6. Overall team Hall won total by +20!!!Greenies were Hall #3, Dister #5 and 7, Moosman #11, and Aholt #14. Shots of the day were a chip in on #12 by Dister, and a 20 foot breaker from the back of 17 by Purschke for birdie!! Apparently no one from the Hall group had any shots to mention. Team Voss got off to a bumpy start when we couldn"t agree who should ride with each other.. and never got back on track. Well....there's always another chance on Thursday.

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