Sunday, September 29, 2019

Saturday Action

Action Saturday as reported by the Acting Commish……...6 players.  Team of BH(-3), DH(1) and TM(+4) swept BC(even), CV (-2) and DD (-2).  Individually, DH and TM split the front at +3.  TM wins the back and total at +1, +4.  Greenies: #3TM,#5BH, #7CV, #11DD and #14BH.

Harrison up 1 to 23, Coleman down 1 to 33

Aholt 26
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 30
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 29
Harrison 23
Homeyer 26
Isgriggs 16
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 25
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 30
Voss, D. 33

Friday, September 27, 2019

Thursday Old Timer Display Little Sizzle

The weather was beautiful, most all of the rough was cut, but the holes seemed to be shrinking.... Just visualize your favorite lip joke.

The team of DA, DD, and BC easily won front, back and total with +1. +1 +2.

Individual was a complete runaway by CJ...with a very nice even par round...+4, +3, +7. Well done CJ.

Greenies..#3BC, #5BC, #7 DD, #11 RP, #14 DD

Old Timer of the Week was quite the battle this week between CJ and DA. Both Old Timers had very good scores, but the winner is DA with a +10 total for the week. Nicely played.

 Coleman up 1 to 34. Johnson up 1 to 30. Hall down 1 to 29.

Aholt 26
Butler 29
Coleman 34
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 30
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 29
Harrison 22
Homeyer 26
Isgriggs 16
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 25
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 30
Voss, D. 33

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Updated Point Totals

Purschke drops 1 to 24.  All others remain the same.

Aholt 26
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 30
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 22
Homeyer 26
Isgriggs 16
Johnson 29
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 25
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 28
Voss, D. 33

Tuesday's Old Timer Results

9 Old Timers showed up yesterday to play, but only one of us was able to shine. DA with a smooth 33 on the front, +7, +1 and +8 total good for a win, tie on the back and win. Nice playing DA.
The triple D's, DD, DH, and DA won the front and back. All three teams were +1 on the back.
Greenies...#3 DA, #5 BH, #7 DD, #11 BC, #14 BH.

Three of our fellow Old Timers...MM, SH, and KE played in the two day best ball tourney put on by the Metropolitan Area Golf Association at FCCC Monday and yesterday. Congratulations to KE  and his partner for their second place finish in the net division. By the way...they all had to put on their big boy pants and play both days from the Blue tees.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Saturday Pay and Updated Point Totals

It was a massacre out there today ... and the Old Timers lost.  Hall wins front +1.  Dister wins back and total -1, -1.  BH, CV and DD sweep front, back and total over BC, CJ and DH -1, -6, -7 over  BC, DH and CJ -5, -11, -16.  Greenies: 3-BH, 5-DD, 7-CJ, 11-BH and 14-X.  CJ drops 1 to 29.

Friday, September 20, 2019

It Was A Goldilocks Day at FCCC

The team of CC, CJ, and LI was very cold..-5, -+1, -4. The team of BH, CV, and RP was luke warm...-1, even, -1. But the team of DH, DA,  and DD was very, very hot.....+12, +5, and +17.
As a result of their stellar play they swept the team game. DH with +6, and +8 total wins the front and total. CV playing from his new set of tees...wins the back with +4 a nice little 35.

Greenies..#3 BH, #5 CJ, #7 CJ, #11 CV, #14 CV

With his outstanding play this week...+4, +3, +7 and +6, +2, +8 DH is easily awarded Old Timer of the week.

Harrison up 1 to 22.  Hall up 1 to 30.

Aholt 26
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 30
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 22
Homeyer 26
Isgriggs 16
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 25
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 25
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 28
Voss, D. 33

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Updated Point Totals

MM up 1 to 25. BH down 1 to 29

Aholt 26
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 30
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 29
Harrison 21
Homeyer 26
Isgriggs 16
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 25
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 25
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 28
Voss, D. 33

Per CJ..."It was hot, but Mitch was hotter!"

A nice group of Old Timers showed up on another hot day to do a little golfing of their balls. Two old timers had really good rounds and carried their teams. The teams of CV, TM, and MM; and DH, DA, and CJ tied the front with +5. Team DH wins the back and total, +2, +7. DH wins individual on the front with +4. MM wins the back and total +5, +8. DH  was a close second with back and total scores of +3, +7. Kudos to DH, and MM for their solid play yesterday.

Greenies...#3BH, #5 CJ, #7 CJ, #11 BC, #14CV

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Thursday Results

Returned home last night to discover that two tv's and one cable box was fried during the recent electrical storm. Fun times.

Sorry for the delay in reporting Thursday's results, but a small technical snafu has resulted in a loss of individual scoring.  Despite some stellar play this week, I will be unable to determine an Old Timer of the week. Below is a description of Thursdays action as described by The Acting Commish….

CV continues his sterling play, outscoring all nine Oldtimers on the front +4, the back +5 and the 18 +9 to win all 3 legs of the individual.. His round included chip-in birdies on 8, 14 and 18. His short game was pro-quality today. He also led his team of DD and KE to victories on the front +7 and the total +7.  RP, CJ and DH won the back at +2.  The team of BH, LI and DA got the bronze even though BH threw a remarkable 34 points into the pot.  Greenies went to DH on 3, BH on 5, DD on 7, CV on 11 and RP on 14.

CV goes up 1 to 28.

Aholt 26
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 30
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 21
Homeyer 26
Isgriggs 16
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 25
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 28
Voss, D. 33

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

New Qoutas

DA drops 1 to 26.

Aholt 26
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 30
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 21
Homeyer 26
Isgriggs 16
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 25
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

Tuesday Results

Reporting the results of my fellow Old Timers is not nearly as much fun as being there, and competing with you on the course. But...the presses must run without fail. One more comment before I get to the action. Our place is on the Burnt Pine Golf Course, and it is not uncommon for members to be alone in 3 to 5 golf carts as they play!!

RP with excellent play carried the team of DD, CJ, and BH to a tie on the front, and victories on the back and total (+3, +4, +7). KE with a +4 wins the front and helped the team of TM, CV, and DA squeak out a tie on the front. RP with +2, +4, +6 wins the back and total.

Greenies: #3TM, #5BH, #7 TM, #11KE and again #14 TM.

RP with his solid play yesterday has a leg up on Old Timer of the Week....can he keep it together with another good day Thursday??

Monday, September 9, 2019

Old Timer of the Week Award

Due to technical delays in receiving the necessary input from last weeks play, I was unable to make a clear determination of who garnered Old Timer of the Week. I apologize for any angst that I may have created. As a prior recipient , I know of the life changing events that occur with this achievement. So without further BS....Last weeks winner with 6 positive scores resulting in + 9 for the week, and two greenies is non other than CV, a proud member of team Charlie. Well done CV!!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Saturday Results

As reported by the Acting Commish…...
CV (+3, +2, +5) was burning up Saturday as he propelled his team (DD ... -1, +1, even) to a clean sweep over BH, -3 ... TM -1 and DH +2). CV also won two legs of the individual and 3 greenies. DH got the remaining singles leg and BH got the other two greenies.

Thursdays Old Timer Results

Reporting in again from very hot and sunny Destin...two foursomes showed up to do a little battling. The team of DD, RP, DH, and BH swept the team game with +9, -1, and +8, even though LI was strong with +3, +5 and +8 for the other team. DH with +4 took front nine honors, and LI wins the back and total +5, +8.
Greenies: #3BH, #5 DD, #7 CJ, #11 CV, #14 BH.

For the record, our little group of 20 houses is full of LSU fans!! Were they happy last night?

Luther up 1 to 16.

Aholt 27
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 30
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 21
Homeyer 26
Isgriggs 16
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 25
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Reporting in From Sunny and Really Hot Destin.......

Speaking of really hot...the Acting Commish DD had another schorcher (sp) of a round today. With scores of +2, +6, +8 he won the back and total. Another sub par round for DD. MM with a nice +4 won the front. MM, RP and CJ won the front with +5. DD, BH, and CV (+3, +1, +4) won the back and total with +9, +12.
Greenies...#3 BH, #5 SH, #7 DA, #11 CV, #14 DD

Dister has quota of 29.55 = 30.  Fanfare!!!!!!!!!!!
Purschke goes up to 25.
Homeyer drops for 3 rd round in a row.  He's now a 26.

The Commish limped through 8 holes.  We're glad to have him join us whenever and for how long he can do it without collapsing.

Aholt 27
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 30
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 21
Homeyer 26
Isgriggs 15
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 25
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33