The team of CC, CJ, and LI was very cold..-5, -+1, -4. The team of BH, CV, and RP was luke warm...-1, even, -1. But the team of DH, DA, and DD was very, very hot.....+12, +5, and +17.
As a result of their stellar play they swept the team game. DH with +6, and +8 total wins the front and total. CV playing from his new set of tees...wins the back with +4 a nice little 35.
Greenies..#3 BH, #5 CJ, #7 CJ, #11 CV, #14 CV
With his outstanding play this week...+4, +3, +7 and +6, +2, +8 DH is easily awarded Old Timer of the week.
Harrison up 1 to 22. Hall up 1 to 30.
Aholt |
26 |
Butler |
29 |
Coleman |
33 |
Crow |
28 |
Curtis |
34 |
Dister |
30 |
Edmonston |
24 |
Eggert |
29 |
Eichelberger |
27 |
Hall |
30 |
Harrison |
22 |
Homeyer |
26 |
Isgriggs |
16 |
Johnson |
30 |
Kavanaugh |
25 |
Lakebrink |
22 |
Loyd |
22 |
Marquart |
25 |
Moosmann |
25 |
Morris |
22 |
Nealis |
22 |
Purschke |
25 |
Sciuto |
27 |
Smith, M |
21 |
Voss, C. |
28 |
Voss, D. |
33 |