Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Reporting in From Sunny and Really Hot Destin.......

Speaking of really hot...the Acting Commish DD had another schorcher (sp) of a round today. With scores of +2, +6, +8 he won the back and total. Another sub par round for DD. MM with a nice +4 won the front. MM, RP and CJ won the front with +5. DD, BH, and CV (+3, +1, +4) won the back and total with +9, +12.
Greenies...#3 BH, #5 SH, #7 DA, #11 CV, #14 DD

Dister has quota of 29.55 = 30.  Fanfare!!!!!!!!!!!
Purschke goes up to 25.
Homeyer drops for 3 rd round in a row.  He's now a 26.

The Commish limped through 8 holes.  We're glad to have him join us whenever and for how long he can do it without collapsing.

Aholt 27
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 30
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 21
Homeyer 26
Isgriggs 15
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 25
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

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