Tuesday, March 30, 2021


9 Old Timers took to the course today...and I mean that literally. The cart path only sign was no where to be found. 5 of the 9 players were positive for the day. All 3 of the Dave D, Dave A, and Charlie V team were positive. As a result they won the back, +5 and total +7. Tom D and Charlie J drug yours truly accross the line to win the front with +4. Tom D was steady today with +3, +3, =6, sharing the front with Bill H, and Charlie V. Tom tied the back with Dave A, and took total honors by his lonesome. Well done today Tom. Dave D was 3rd on the back, and tied for 3rd total with Dave A, and Charlie J. Charlie V was 2nd for total. Everybody got a little money back today, with the exception of Leroy and newcomer Dale Homeyer. New Player: Dale Homeyer 12. Charlie Curtis -1 to 32. Aholt 30 * Clark 34 * Coleman 33 * Crow 35 * Curtis 32 * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 20 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 28 * Hall 28 * Harrison 24 * Homeyer, Dale 12 * Johnson 29 * Kavanaugh 28 * Kossmann 25 * Loyd 25 * Moosmann 26 * Morris 23 * Nealis 25 * Purschke 25 * Sharma 31 * Stoehner 25 * Voss, C. 30 * Voss, D. 33 *

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