Thursday, August 12, 2021


WILD BILL HALL BLISTERS THE 11-MAN-FIELD ON A SCORCHER OF A DAY. Bill's 1-under, 1-under 69 translated into a +4, +4, +8 day. He easily won all three legs of the individual and dragged his teammates, Voss and Eichelberger ... kicking and screaming ... over the finish line to win the back nine at +1. The steady play of Harrison, Moosmann, Eggert and Dister took the front at +6 and total at +5. Denny Harrison was the lone standout on the back for that team at +3 giving him 2nd on the back and 2nd on total at +5. He and partner Leroy split 2nd and third on the front at +2, Tom Dunlavy took third on the back at +1. And Clark, Eggert and Dister split 3rd on total. Aholt drops 1 to 29. Hall goes +1 to 31. Harrison also jumps up 1 to 25. Eggert gains a point to 31. Purschke loses 1 to 22. Aholt 29 * Blackwell 30 * Clark 33 * Coleman 35 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 35 * Curtis 32 * Dister 29 * Dunlavy 23 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 31 * Harrison 25 * Homeyer, Dale 14 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 25 * Lee 36 * Loyd 25 * Miller 24 * Moosmann 25 * Morris 24 * Nealis 26 * Purschke 22 * Sharma 31 * Thater 27 * Stoehner 25 * Voss, C. 30 * Voss, D. 33 *

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