Saturday, September 11, 2021


20 years ago something great was happening in St Louis in the professional and amateur golf circles. At the same time Bellerive cc was hosting the amex championship, while norwood hills cc was hosting the finals of the US senior amateur championship. It is unusual for our city to hold one golf championship, but two at the same time was incredible, especially if you love watching golf live in person. Too say that I was excited to spectate at both events is an understatement. But a small group of well trained and organized terriorists had made plans to ruin my weekend of watching my beloved game of golf. Life in America tragically changed in one single day. Thousands of loved ones were taken from their families. The PGA cancelled the Amex at Bellerive, but the USGA had not made a decision on the play at Norwood, as only a few players remaind in match play. My memory wants to tell me it was down to the final 8. So I made the drive out to Norwood Hills CC...driving up the winding road to the club house was strange, I could see a few players and a handful of spectators on the back nine, but it was as if nothing was happening at the club. It turned out that the USGA had made the decision not to stop play or even tell the few players and caddies on course that the attcks on America had happened. The large patio serving as scoring and hospitality was completely empty. Everyone not on the course was inside the dining room watching the horrific acts replayed over and over again on televisions placed throughout. I have no further memory of what decision was made regarding the final matches. One story I do remember is of Tiger renting a car and driving home to Lake Nona, as all airlines had cancelled every flight. It is only fitting that 20 years later St Louis and Norwood Hills CC get the opportunity to showcase the city we call home. While Norwood CC looks good, I think our little Country Club looks a little better. Of course we don't have the blimp flying over our negative areas. So as you spend a little time this afternoon watching the Seniors play at Norwood Hills....Please take a few minutes to reflect on our great country and all that we have to be greatful far. Remember that Freedom isn't Free.

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