Friday, August 19, 2022

Mediocrity is not enough

on a balmy Thursday 12 oldtimers went off in 4 threesomes. Ten of them would shoot within 2 of there quota, two would excell. Retread won the single slam with a +4, +3, +7. Missle man played Robin and took all the 2nd place money with a +3, +2, +5. And guess what, they drew each other as partners making a mockery of the team game. Their partner, Timmy kneepads, never had it so good. Mr CPA n Outbid won closest narrowly edging Loghead who was sent home crying to his mama.......Charlie Voss -1 to 29. Greg Curran -2 to 27. Bill Hall -1 to 31. Terry Moosmann +1 to 29. Charlie Johnson -1 to 30. Rich Purschke +1 to 22. Tom Dunlavy +1 to 23. Aholt 28 * Blackwell 31 * Clark 34 * Coleman 36 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 31 * Curran 27 * Curtis 30 * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 23 * Ecklekamp 36 * Eggert 29 * Eichelberger 32 * Fortner 31 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 31 * Harrison 23 * Johnson 30 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 27 * Loyd 23 * Miller 25 * Moosmann 29 * Morris 26 * Nealis 23 * Purschke 22 * Sharma 32 * Voss, Chas 29 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 36 *

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