Friday, June 3, 2022

Divot repair day

Tuesday was divot repair day. 16 eager clubbers including Oldtimers Missle Man and Loghead teamed up with Borgia golfers and coaches to spread nearly 5 tons of sand over every one of Jimbo's professional divots. some of his divots were in heavy rough and a few were out of bounds (wait, did i say out of bounds). Following this a nice rain Wednesday helped our repair job and should definitely enhance the enjoyment of our members and guests in the Krakow Cup this weekend..... please remember to sand your divots and one other this summer.........Thursdays matches were a race to incompetence with the final total 32 below. Charlie Voss bucked the trend however with a +1, +3, +4 to take front, back, n total plus closest on 7. Leroy n Bob played solid and along with Tom carried the Lumber Baron to a team trifecta. Leroy slopped one in on 14 for closest..........Of the 10 players in today's field, 9 of them will have a different quota for their next round. Only two added a point to their quotas. Leroy Eggert +1 to 32. Charlie Voss +1 to 27. The 7 who lost a quota point are: Dave Dister -1 to 25. Charlie Johnson -1 to 29. Rich Purschke -1 to 20. Dennis Kossmann -1 to 25. Bill Hall -1 to 28. Bob Coleman -1 to 34. Tom Dunlavy -1 to 23. Aholt 28 * Clark 34 * Coleman 34 * Crow 31 * Curtis 30 * Dister 25 * Dunlavy 23 * Ecklekamp 37 * Eggert 32 * Eichelberger 27 * Fortner 31 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 28 * Harrison 23 * Hoemann 38 * Johnson 29 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 25 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Moosmann 28 * Morris 25 * Nealis 23 * Purschke 20 * Sharma 32 * Voss, Chas 27 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 36 *

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