Friday, September 23, 2022

What course was he playing?

On a day when Mother Nature reminded us that she can easily turn a 95-degree Wednesday into a 72-degree, swirling-wind, Thursday, Tim (Hardwood) Morris blistered the front nine with a 1-under par +6. He dominated front and total (+4) individual, but his +6 wasn't enough to drag his team of CV, DA and GC into first. That was handled by Dennis (The Menace) Kossmann who was +3 (2nd individual.) He took DD and TD to victory on the front and total. They were +2 ... the only plus team side of the day ... and -2 total. The back was won by BC, RP, BH and TMoosmann at even. Four guys split 3rd on the front at even. The back individual was split three ways at +1. TMoosmann, BH and DD. 2nd total was split by the same three guys at +1. DK won the front greenie and DD won the back. Eleven players competed compliling a cumulative -22. (No reason discussing the pin positions. We all had to play them. We would like to remind the staff that Ed's Revenge is over for the year. Tim Morris +2 to 28. Terry Moosmann +1 to 29. Dave Dister +1 to 29. Charlie Voss -1 to 27. Greg Curran -1 to 27. Bob Coleman -1 to 32. Aholt 29 * Blackwell 31 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 32 * Curran 27 * Curtis 30 * Dister 29 * Dunlavy 25 * Ecklekamp 36 * Eggert 28 * Eichelberger 33 * Fortner 30 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 30 * Harrison 23 * Johnson 32 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 27 * Loyd 23 * Miller 25 * Moosmann 29 * Morris 28 * Nealis 23 * Purschke 25 * Sharma 32 * Viox 25 * Voss, Chas 27 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 36 *

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