Friday, June 9, 2023

Thursday, June 8th: Team ‘Hall’ Romps Again!


Apparently, it wasn’t good enough for Bill’s team to win with (+12) on Tuesday… so his team stepped it up on Thursday to crush the other two teams with a (+13)! Great leadership Bill!!  Also, Greg Curran’s consecutive (+6) and (+5) has caused him to move his quota up (+4) points over the last two rounds.  No good deed goes unpunished Greg!

Note: Due to the AJGA … No Quota Game at FCCC**on Tuesday June 20th.  We have a 1:30 start on Thursday June 22nd.

** Anyone interested in playing at Meadow Lake Acres in Jefferson City on Tuesday, June 20th, please text Charlie Johnson (636-432-2255) to let him know that you are interested.  Charlie is working with Mike Parmentier to set up tee times somewhere between 11:00 and 1:00, depending on what is available.

Conditions:  On Thursday, nine old timers participated: 76-77 degrees, 2-5 mph winds, 40% humidity, very firm fairways and furry/slower greens.

Team Winners: Hall, Curran & Drew Herrick swept the front (+9), back (+4) and total (+13)

Individual Winners:  Herrick won the front (+4).  Curran won the back (+3) and Herrick won the total (+6)

Closest to the Holes:  Johnson won #7 and Eggert won #14.

Even/Plus Points Club: Herrick (+6), Curran (+5), Coleman (+4), Dunlavy (+2), Hall (+2), C. Johnson (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  Coleman (71), Curran (74)

Golf Quote: “Golf is a science, the study of a lifetime, in which you can exhaust yourself but never your subject.” -David Forgan

Quota Increases: Curran (+2), All (+1): Coleman, Dunlavy, Hall, Herrick

Quota Decreases: Eggert (-1), C. Voss (-1) 

Quotas:  Aholt 31 * Blackwell 32 * Clark 34 * Coleman 33 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 31 * Curran 30 * Curtis 31 * Dister 25 * Dunlavy 28 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 32 * Eichelberger 32 * Fortner 29 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 28 * Herrick 25 * Hoemann 34 * Johnson 29 * Kavanaugh 26 * Kossmann 26 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 29 * Morris 23 * Nealis 23 * Parmentier 32 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 31 * Stoehner 25 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 25 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow 33

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