Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tuesday, May 21st: Johnson & Miller (+2) with the Wind Howling !!!

NOTE:  Memorial Day Quota Game at 12:00.  No Game on Tuesday!

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for May are #3 & #11.

Conditions:  On Tuesday, ten golfers participated on an extremely windy, warm and sunny day, 85-91 degrees, 18-30 mph winds, 50% humidity, dry fairways and slightly faster greens.

Team Winners:  Aholt, Hall & Johnson tied Clark, Moosman & Purschke on the front (€) and won the back (+1) and total (+1).

Individual Winners:  Johnson won the front (+2), Hall & Miller tied the back (+1) and Johnson & Miller tied the total (+2).

Closest to the Holes:  Aholt won #3 and Miller won #11.

Even/Plus Points Club:  Johnson  & Miller (+2).  Clark & Moosman (+1). Aholt (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  Clark (70) and Johnson (75).

Golf Quote: “They say golf is like life, but don’t believe them. Golf is more complicated than that.” – Gardner Dickinson

Golf Stuff:  American amateur golfer Patrick Wills had the round of his life in June 2015!  Over his 18 holes Laurel Hill Golf Club in Lorton, Virginia, USA he unbelievably scored 3 aces in one round – the most in any one round of golf!  Could’ve been an expensive day for Mr. Wills too, given the tradition of having to buy drinks for everyone in the clubhouse bar for each hole-in-one!

Quota Increases:   Johnson (+1)

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Dunlavy, Hall, Kossmann & Meyer.

Quotas:  Aholt 30 * Alferman 34 * Bean 33 * Blackwell 29 * Clark 36 * Coleman 29 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 28 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 26 * Dunlavy 23 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 29 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 27 * Herrick 27 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 26 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 20 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 28 * Morris 25  * Meyer 26 * Nealis 23 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 33 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 28 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 27 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 25 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 23 * Zastrow, Josh 36

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