Friday, June 14, 2019

A new King rides into FCCC

13 of you old timers showed up yesterday to try your luck and skill on another spring like day. Team King and KE walked away with almost all of the entry fees. Team CJ (CJ,BH, LE) won the front with a weak -1!! Team King (DD, DH AND KE) took control and won the back and total..+7 and +4. HL won the front with +4. KW wins the back +5, and CJ wins total with +5.
Greenies are as follows: #3 DH, #5 CC, #7 DH, #11 KE  and #14 LE. Members of Team King win 3 of the 5 greenies. As I've read in History books, it's good to be the "King"!!

Lots of movement.  The following go up:  CV, DA, KE.  These go down:  CC, BC, RP.  Dennis, Bob Coleman has your $13 and will pay you Saturday.

Aholt 29
Carter 35
Coleman 31
Curtis 32
Dister 28
Edmonston 25
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 26
Hall 27
Harrison 20
Hoemann 34
Johnson 28
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 24
Loyd 23
Mitch 24
Moosmann 26
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 20
Scuito 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 28
Voss, D. 33

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