Thursday, June 20, 2019

Just when you think you've done it all....

Today, along with my lovely wife and daughter and 14 of my new, never to see again friends..spent 3 hours taking a walking food/drink tour of the Ecclectic food scene in Asheville, NC. "Craft cocktails" should be renamed "Crappy Cocktails" and just because its green and grows in the ground, doesn't mean that I should be served it to eat.  Enough of my day... Several of you Old Timer's attempted to tame FCCC. Only three greenies today..DA #3, CJ #11, and BC #14.
The King and CJ, shot +2, +2, +4 to tie all thr4ee individual games. BH, RP, and DD win front, back, and total with +2, +3 and +5.
Tomorrow i'm playing another Donald Ross course and will be back in town for next Tuesdays match.
Everyone have a great weekend!

DA drops to 28, and KE drops to 24.

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