Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Another good scoring day for the Old Timers

a really good turn out yesterday for the Old Timers golf group. absolutely beautiful weather and nice playing conditions contributed to some good golfing of the ball. DA and CC tied with +3 on the front. DD turned around a -4 on the front with a strong +5 to win the back. DA won total with +7 (72 for the day). Team Rich, consisting of CC,BH,KE, and RP.....won the front +6, and total +12. Solid golf was played by Team Rich. Team Herbie, DD,BC,TM, and HL...won the back with +8 led by DD +5 and BC +3.
Greenies were...#3 TM, #5 DA, #7 CC, #11 BH, and #14 CC.

Mitch...where are you? We haven't seen you lately.

Aholt 28
Carter 35
Coleman 32
Curtis 33
Dister 28
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 26
Hall 27
Harrison 20
Hoemann 34
Johnson 28
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 24
Loyd 23
Mitch 24
Moosmann 26
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 21
Scuito 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

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