Wednesday, July 3, 2019

A Great Weeks Performance To Celebrate our 1st Old Timer of the Week!!

As previously announced, the Old Timers Golf Group will be recognizing outstanding weekly performances by members of the group. Last week there was no one that exhibited the characteristics that cries out "wow!...that was some good golfing of the golf ball. But this week...there were two rounds of golf that will certainly set the gold standard of what "Old Timer of the Week" truly means. It will be a challenge going forward to match the accomplishments of one Rich Perschke this week. Some of the reasons that RP is this weeks and the first winner of this soon to be coveted award are as follows:
+19 for the week
1 Greenie
Winner of 2 backs and one total.
His team swept all bets both days!
RP shot his age today!!!
Congratulations to Rich for his worthy performance this week.

Back to the mundane results for today...
BC wins #3, #5, #7 with supposedly gimme putts.
RP #11
DA #14

CC with +5 wins the front.
RP with +10 and +14 wins total.

As mentioned earlier team RP, DD, and DL win the team game.

Under normal circumstances BC with +12 for the week, 3 Greenies today, and a victory on one individual could have easily been bestowed this award...but we all know that golf is really hard and to always expect the unexpected.

See you all next week.

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