Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Scoring SNAFU Taints Sweep by team Rich Today

A major SNAFU by CC today claiming that team Rich swept all three team bets after the delirious team of RP, DL, TM and shamefully CC collected their winnings, found out that a serious math error occurred. As it turned out, team Dave D won the back and there was no sweep by team Rich. As a result CC has been dealt a 30 penalty for scoring after the round has been completed. CC's only comment was that he needed to talk to his representative about the severe penalty handed down.

Enough about all that...DL won the front with +4, last weeks Old Timer of the week BH, won the back +5, and total +6. At this early point in the race to be Old Timer of the year, BH has a solid hold on the lead. Hopefully, he will still be....

Greenies today. #3CC, #5DL, #7BC, #11 and #14 CJ. It is important to note that 4 of todays greenies were won by residents of the nearby Projects.

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