Friday, July 19, 2019

Old Timers are not Wilting in this Heat

As the heat and humidity continues, so does the hot play of several Old Timers. Nine of us showed up yesterday to do battle and eight Old Timers turned in positive results. Sixteen positive scores have been turned in this week!! The team of DD, DH, and CC won the front with +11, and tied for total with +12. Team BC, RP, and BH (last weeks Old Timer of the week) won the back +6, and also tied for total at +12. Individual winners were DH with +5 on the front, RP +4 the back, and DH again winning total with  +7.
Greenies today were:
#3BC, #5 DD, #7 NO ONE!, #11 DH, and #14 BH.

Again, choosing the Old Timer of the Week was a tough decision. CC was +8 for the week, and  RP +9. But the winner again this week is the King, BH with back to back +6's and a greenie. Nicely done this week to everyone who battled the heat and humidity

If the blogger doesn't have your email address, please send it to him at ...Purschke goes up 1 to 24, Hall up 1 to 29, Voss down 1 to 27.

Aholt 29
Coleman 32
Curtis 33
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 26
Hall 29
Harrison 19
Johnson 29
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 23
Luther 13
Marquart 25
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

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