Wednesday, April 29, 2020

It was another Rough day for the Old Timers

Rough describes yesterdays play in more ways than one. Can we please play one day with all of the rough cut to a reasonable height? Yeah...I know... if you don't like the rough.hit the fairway. But..Please just cut the friggin stuff!!!!

Enough jabbering about that rough..Only two Old Timers played to their potential yesterday, while the rest of us had a rough (last time I say it today) day. Josh shot a sweet little 33 on the back +4, to win the back and total +5. He also was part of a five way tie for the front at +1. The other four will remain nameless.

The team of Dennis, Jimmy, and Josh swept the team game with a sizzling +1, +1, +2 day.

The weather was great, we appear to be abiding by the guidelines, the greens were mowed, and we were off of the cart paths, so it was a really good day.  How about we astro-turf all non-closely mowed grass areas of the course?? Problem solved.

See you all Thursday at noon.

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