Thursday, April 16, 2020

Okay...dinner is over and I'm back...

Nothing better than fried fresh mushrooms and tortelinni with homemade red sauce. I know that we are better than we played today. Yea..the greens are aerated..the grass is growing faster than your waist size is increasing..the wind is blowing and we are walking the hilly confines of FCCC. excuses. 9 of us, just under the county limit of 10!!! did battle today. Josh, Bill and Terry swept the team game with +2, -5, -3, easily winning by double digits. Josh and Terry split the front with +1. Yours truly won the back at total at +1.
If I failed to mention it earlier....Jimmy E had 10 putts on the front, made at least 100 feet of putts, got up and down, 7 out of 9 holes, Showed me pictures of his new customized fire pit (must be nice as he furloughed 90% of his staff last week) Yea..I know it wasn't his idea.
Ok...on to the $$$
Bill +3.75
Tim, Jeff, and Charlie J...-3.00
Bob and Jim...-3.00
Charlie C...+1.50

Quotas and total $$$ will be reported tomorrow.

See you all, when I see you.  

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