Thursday, October 22, 2020

Summer Returns For One Beautiful Day

12 Old Timers had a beautiful, slightly soggy day to do a little golfing of their ball. 80 degrees, with a slight southernly breeze and freshly mowed putting surfaces made for a pleasant day on the links. Everybody today took home a little cash, with a couple Old Timers doing a little better. The team game was divided amongst three teams. Ryan, Jim, and Charlie J won the front with +1. Dave D, Leroy and yours truly won the back with -1, and Bill, Randy and Terry win total with -3. Individual honors was spread out between seven Old Timers. Ryan C with a nice little 32 (+4) won the front, followed by Tim +3, and Bill +2. Leroy with a mighty +1 takes the back, with Randy, and Daves L and A all tying for 2nd and 3rd. Leroy at +2, wins total, followed by Tim and Ryan +1. With the exception of the soggy conditions, a beautiful day did not result in many positive scores. It is good to see this many Old Timers still playing this late in the year. See you all Saturday.

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