Saturday, October 10, 2020

Today Was Another Beautiful Day for Golfing Your Ball

To quote our Acting was a glorius day for the Old Timers to take to the links. 15 of us showed up..and after 2 or 3 or 4 different drawings...five threesomes headed to the first tee. In the end only 13 of us finished 18 holes. Don't ask me why...I just report the facts mam. Two teams battled it out for the front and back as Dave D, Ray and Charlie C outdueled Bill, Dennis and Terry on the front +5 to +4; and tied with Rich , Bob, and Charlie J on the back...+2. They also edged out B, D, and T to win total +7 to +5. 9 of the 15 Old Timers were even or positive for the days play. Scoring as the Surfaces we Putt on continue to improve, which is a positive all around. Good scoring was evident today as yours truly won the front +4, tied King on the back +3, and won total with +7...which if your counting was a smooth little 68. Don't lovely bride has already told me not to strain my shoulder patting myself on the back!!! Another Charlie V (Mr Hole In One) with +3 takes second, and Dennis and King take third with +2. Dennis and Rich +2 tie for third on the back. King takes 2nd total with +5, and Dennis takes total in third with +4. All in all some pretty good play by the Old Timers. See you all Tuesday at noon.

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