Friday, October 2, 2020

Updated Quotas

Ryan Crow has recently celebrated his 50th birthday and has elected to play from the White Tees. Today's round has been calculated into Ryan's quota ... and his new quota from the Whites is 34. Happy Birthday, Ryan and many more. Curtis drops 1 to 32. Dister drops 1 to 30. Hall drops 1 to 29. Charilie Voss drops 1 to 30. Aholt 30 * Coleman 36 * Crow 34 * Curtis 32 * Dister 30 * Eichelberger 29 * Hall 29 * Harrison 26 * Johnson 29 * Kavanaugh 28 * Kossmann 26 * Loyd 26 * Moosmann 28 * Morris 23 * Purschke 26 * Sharma 33 * Voss, C. 30 *

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