Wednesday, November 4, 2020

It's a Beautiful Day in Myrtle Beach..

Todays verbage will once again be provided by the Acting Commish....please read his public service announcement following yesterdays results. Again...if you haven't yet...please thank him for all of his efforts throughout the year to provide us with our accurate quota reporting. A quick recap of Tuesday's game. 11 players. Each of the three teams won a leg. The front was won at +2 by Charlie Voss, Harrison, Dunalvy and Moosmann. The back (-6) went to Loyd, Hall, Eichelberger and Dister. Total (-8) was taken by Aholt, Purschke and Johnson. The individual front was tied by 3 guys at +2 ... Hariison, Moosmann and Johnson. Dave Loyd won the back at +2. Harrison was second at Even. Voss and Aholt tied for third at -1. Harrison won total at +2. Charlie Voss second at Even and Johnson and Moosmann tied for third at -1. Now we gotta take a minute to talk about something that's becoming more critical as we move through Fall into Winter. Mother Nature. We lose two minutes of light a day. Leaves are everywhere. We have to target 3 AND A HALF HOURS as the pace we must play to get that last group in before dark. We're lenient by every stretch of the imagination. If you can't find a ball that should be found ... Leaf Rule! Drop one where it should be and play on ... no penalty. Spot your ball when hit. Help each other spot. If a guy skulls one across the green (for example) ... somebody else chip or putt while he's moving to his ball. Don't stand there with hands on your hips while he's rushing like crazy to take his next shot. And if somebody hits what you think is out of turn, don't be mad, be grateful he's doing everything he can to keep it moving. Ready Golf! When you get to your ball, hit it and then help your partners. Mother Nature says honors are out the window. We'd move the tee times up, but we have members who are coming from work and can't get here early. Thank you for your understanding and here's my address.

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