Friday, November 6, 2020

Thursday Sees A Large Group of Old Timers On the Links

The Acting Commish brings you yesterdays I take on the Dye Course today...... 15 players on a beautiful day in the low 70s. Leaves were brutal. Greens were fast. 3-putts and no gimmes were the rule of the day. Rich, King and Dave D. win the the front at Even. Two teams tied the back at even ... Ryan C., Jim and Bill tied with Leroy, Dennis H. and Tim M. Leroy, Dennis and Tim won total at -3. Individually, Den H. wins the front at +4. Dave D. 2nd at +3 and Den K./Jim tie for third at +1. Terry wins the back at +4. Ryan C. and Leroy tie for 2nd and 3rd at +2. Total was tied by Terry and Den H. at +3. Dave D. came in 3rd at +2.

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