Friday, July 8, 2022

Return of the Keh’s

The Keh Sisters were the 2022 incarnation of the James Gang. Munchkin and Wenyung Keh joined ten Oldtimers today, giving us three, equal foursomes. They took home the loot and quietly went to Meramec Caverns to stash it. At $3.50 entry fee it wasn't that much, but it was worth the price of admission to watch them play. Wenyung, with Coleman, Moosmann and Dister, took the front at +4. She shot a 32 (+3), which we thought was pretty good, but all it could do was tie her sister, Munchin for individual honors. Mike Clark and Terry Moosmann split 3rd at +2. Munchin's team included Charlie Voss, Kossmann and Eichelberger. Her 32 (+4) on the back helped their team go +4, +5 to win back and total. Munchin Keh shot 64 folks! Individually, Mike Clark's friend David Lee and Dister shot +2 on the back to split 2nd and 3rd. Needless to say, Munchin's +7 won individual total, while Wenyoung took 2nd at +3 and Kossmann and Dister split 3rd at +1. It was hot and steamy, and if you couldn't putt the slow greens and weird pin placements like the Keh sisters ... and none of us could ... you couldn't score. +1 was the best the Oldtimers could do, +7 and +3 from the Keh Sisters. Awesome! As for Closest to the pin, Wenyung won #5 and #11. Combined distance ... 3.5 feet. No contest. Bpb Coleman +1 to 35. Greg Curran -1 to 28. Aholt 28 * Blackwell 31 * Clark 36 * Coleman 35 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 31 * Curran 28 * Curtis 30 * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 22 * Ecklekamp 37 * Eggert 32 * Eichelberger 32 * Fortner 31 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 31 * Harrison 23 * Hoemann 38 * Johnson 28 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 26 * Loyd 23 * Miller 23 * Moosmann 28 * Morris 25 * Nealis 23 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 32 * Voss, Chas 29 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 36 *

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