Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The golfer and the imposter

Seven oldtimers set out Tuesday in a light drizzle which was much enjoyed after the heat wave we just experienced. Two of the 4 man team would boast the same quota but while one would rise to the highest level the other would flounder and fall into the abyss. The border guard would report the only plus score on the front and would have led his team to victory except Loghead triple bogeyed his way to an ignominious -8. The other team(and i use the term loosely) of Bill, Greg, n Mike won front with a -6. Providing inspiration with 5 birdie's on the back and plenty of inspirational talk (vulgarity) Bob and his henchman Grizzly (with 3 birdies of his own) carried Loghead n Retread to victory on back n total. Bill won closest on 5 and true to the statement "there is no fairness in golf" Loghead won closest on 11 even though Mike, who forgot to mark, was probably closer. loghead was last seen taking his ill gotten winnings to buy lottery tickets".............Bob Coleman +2 to 34. Charlie Voss +1 to 30.

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