Wednesday, November 30, 2022

We fought the course and the wind won

You didn't happen to be perfect Tuesday, just determined. Of the 10 players, Four players( Randy, Bill, Tom, n Dennis) tied total at -2. Team Randy, with Mac n Terry, won back with a -9 and total with -10 and thats no typo boyz. There was some good play. Tom won front with a scorching +3 with Randy n Dennis close behind. Bill won back with a -1 with Terry n Mike one stroke back. The Charlie's won closest CV on 5 n CJ on 11. Dave is out of pocket so we play with the same quota's UFA.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

List of all non-regular quotas

List of all who have a quota but are not regulars: Alferman, D. 30 Alferman, T. 33 Carter 35 Edmonston 23 Gildehaus 29 Harrison 23 Hoemann 36 Homeyer, Dale 20 Homeyer, Steve 28 Isgriggs 20 Lakebrink 20 Lamke 20 Lee 36 Lucy 22 Marquardt, B. 30 Marquart, M. 26 Parke 30 Parmentier 32 Sciuto 26 Smith, Mike 22 Stoehner 25 Thater 27


 I won't be able to calculate new quotas until Friday, December 2nd, 2022.  So, if you play the game on 11/29/22 and Thursday, 12/1/22, you'll have to use the quotas listed below for both rounds.  My apologies.  But, I do hope you have a pleasant winter here and are able to play often.  So, Happy Holidays, send me all your scores through the Winter, and I look forward to seeing you all in the Spring.  I will also send you another blog that has quotas from all who have played, but are not regulars.

Winter Quotas

Aholt 30 *
Baer 29 *
Blackwell 30 *
Clark 36 *
Coleman 32 *
Cozzo 27 *
Crow 33 *
Curran 27 *
Curtis 30 *
Dister 27 *
Dunlavy 23 *
Ecklekamp 36 *
Eggert 31 *
Eichelberger 32 *
Fortner 30 *
Gildehaus 29 *
Hall 29 *
Herrick 28 *
Johnson 32 *
Kavanaugh 26 *
Kossmann 25 *
Loyd 23 *
Miller 21 *
Mitchell 27 *
Moosmann 30 *
Morris 22 *
Nealis 23 *
Purschke 22 *
Sharma 29 *
Triplett 30 *
Viox 27 *
Voss, Chas 30 *
Voss, Colby 32 *
Voss, Dean 36 *
Zastrow 33 *   

Sunday, November 27, 2022

The hounds gave chase but the fox ran away

Why were all the losers smiling Saturday? Because the 3 winners won peanuts but their numbers went up 4 points total. The hounds, Charlie to the second power, tied 2nd on total with a smooth +3. The fox, Leroy, ran away and hid with a 1 under par +6, +2, +8 tying back with CV who also won closest on 11. Bill won on 5. Team Leroy, with Dennis n CJ swept the team game......................Charlie Voss +1 to 30. Charlie Johnson +1 to 32. Bill Hall -1 to 29. Leroy Eggert +2 to 31. Winter Quotas Aholt 30 * Baer 29 * Blackwell 30 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 33 * Curran 27 * Curtis 30 * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 23 * Ecklekamp 36 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 32 * Fortner 30 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 29 * Herrick 28 * Johnson 32 * Kavanaugh 26 * Kossmann 25 * Loyd 23 * Miller 21 * Mitchell 27 * Moosmann 30 * Morris 22 * Nealis 23 * Purschke 22 * Sharma 29 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 30 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 36 * Zastrow 33

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thanksgiving prelude

A beautiful day brought 16 Oldtimers out. Mid 60s, sunshine, light wind, freshly rolled greens, and new pin placements had the Oldtimers chomping at the bits. The rust from lack of play however, shown thru for most and 3 of the four teams were a healthy minus for the day. Wolford fired a +4 on the front, then hit his tee shot in the lake on 10. After a mighty shot from the drop area and a great iron into the green he was looking at a makeable par putt. alas, after a lip out he boarded the south train. Loghead took 2nd on front and was just warming up. winning back with a +4, total with +7 he led the team of Jeff Cuzzo, Ray, and DA to victory on front and total while getting closest on 11 for good measure. Terry won 2nd on both back n total while Tom and his good son-in-law raked in the remaining change. The team of Rich, Bill, Randy, n Jeff K were steady eddies, winning back with no individual winners. Charlie V won closest on 5 to round out the winners..........................Eggert -1 to 29. Morris -1 to 22. Blackwell -1 to 30. Kavanaugh -1 to 26. Curran -1 to 27. Moosmann +1 to 30. C. Voss -1 to 29. Johnson +1 to 31. Sharma -1 to 29. Winter Quotas Aholt 30 * Baer 29 * Blackwell 30 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 33 * Curran 27 * Curtis 30 * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 23 * Ecklekamp 36 * Eggert 29 * Eichelberger 32 * Fortner 30 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 30 * Herrick 28 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 26 * Kossmann 25 * Loyd 23 * Miller 21 * Mitchell 27 * Moosmann 30 * Morris 22 * Nealis 23 * Purschke 22 * Sharma 29 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 29 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 36 * Zastrow 33 *

Friday, November 11, 2022

A Day of Firsts

 I'll get to the relatively uninteresting results in a minute (Team 4 Sweeps,) but the conversation while waiting for their arrival was the highlight of the day ... maybe the year.  In no particular order, I'll go over the topics.

1.  One of my partners who is usually one of the best in our group, pointed out to me that he wasn't playing well because the golf cart was too noisy and the exhaust fumes were toxic and messing with his ability to chip.  A first for excuses.

2.  Leroy Eggert is going to be the first in our group to play golf in Busch Stadium.  Today, November 11, 2022, Leroy and his son are going to play in the St. Louis area's first stadium golf event.  We wish them well and are eager to find out how it will be contested.

3.  Three of our Oldtimers swept last week's Chili Open here at FCCC.  Messrs. Clark, Crow and Eichelberger finished 1, 2, 3 in the Championship Flight.  Congrats to you all.

4.  Jim Eichelberger had back-to-back eagles in the event.  Because holes 7, 8, and 9 were closed due to the weather, Jim eagled 6 and then went directly to 10 where he eagled again.  None of us can think of ever seeing back-to-back eagles in a round before.  (Some of us are still trying for eagles in back-to-back decades.)  Congrats to Jim.

5.  But wait! Another first for Eichelberger is that he finally confirmed ... publicly ... that he is, indeed, a jac***f, and that he's known it for a long time.

6.  That brought the conversation around to how many of the Oldtimers have s**t their pants ... or played with someone who s**t their pants ... during a round of golf ... and kept playing after the event occurred.  Hall digressed when he told us the story of the day he was interviewing a client when the client s**t his pants.  Another member knows a guy who s**t his pants while walking Augusta National during The Masters and refused to leave to clean himself up because the ticket was so hard to get.


Now the results.  Thirteen players.  Four teams. The team of Moosmann, Kossmann, Aholt and Merrick went +6, +5, +11 to sweep the team event.    Individually, Terry was 1st on the front with a +3, Dennis was 2nd at +2 and Dave Aholt (who moved to the Gold tees for the winter ... another first) was one of three people who tied for 3rd.

On the back, Aholt took first at +4, and Charlie Voss (the only guy from another team whofinished above 3rd) took 2nd at +3 and Drew Herrick took 3rd at +2.  Aholt's +5 took total, Voss was 2nd at +4 and Terry and Dennis took total 3rd at +2.  That's right.  All 4 players on the team were plus for the day.

Dave Aholt +1 to 30.  Drew Herrick +1 to 28.  Charlie Voss +1 to 30.  Tom Dunlavy -1 to 23.  Jim Eichelberger -1 to 32.  Charlie Johnson -1 to 29.

Winter Quotas

Aholt 30 *
Baer 29 *
Blackwell 31 *
Clark 36 *
Coleman 32 *
Cozzo 27 *
Crow 33 *
Curran 28 *
Curtis 30 *
Dister 27 *
Dunlavy 23 *
Ecklekamp 36 *
Eggert 30 *
Eichelberger 32 *
Fortner 30 *
Gildehaus 29 *
Hall 30 *
Herrick 28 *
Johnson 29 *
Kavanaugh 27 *
Kossmann 25 *
Loyd 23 *
Miller 21 *
Mitchell 27 *
Moosmann 29 *
Morris 23 *
Nealis 23 *
Purschke 22 *
Sharma 30 *
Triplett 30 *
Viox 27 *
Voss, Chas 30 *
Voss, Colby 32 *
Voss, Dean 36 *
Zastrow 33 *

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Sometimes ... maybe when you're driving home ... or walking the dog ... or standing in line to check out at Schnuck's ... you think that if that putt hadn't lipped out you would've won.  Not today!  No matter how you add it up, Hall, Moosmann and Purschke would've beaten you ... make that whupped you.  They were the only team of the four that had all their players plus ... on the front ... the back ... and total.  Not only that, two of their members finished in the top 2.  And the third would've won something individually in every round we played in the last month.  Today, he was just along for the ride.  Mind you, his +3 helped his team to a +11 front, +3 back and +14 total.  Congrats are definitely in order for their fine play.

Tom Dunlavy stuffed one to about 3-feet on 5.  Greenie!  I have no idea how close Hall was on 11, but when we went through, it looked like Eckelkamp had a shoo-in.  Greenie for Hall.

Individually, Hall won the front at +5 and total at +6.  Teammate Moosmann wins 2nd on the front at +4 and tied for 2nd total with Dister at +5.  Loghead's +3 was good enough for third on the front.  Voss and Dister shared 1st and 2nd on the back at +3 and Ryan Eckelkamp's +2 won third. 

Mack Miller -1 to 21.  Terry Moosmann +2 to 29.  Leroy Eggert -1 to 30.  Bill Hall +1 to 30.  Charlie Johnson +1 to 30.  Dave Dister +1 to 27.  Dave Aholt -1 to 27.  Rich Purschke +1 to 22.

Winter Quotas

Aholt 27 *
Baer 29 *
Blackwell 31 *
Clark 36 *
Coleman 32 *
Cozzo 27 *
Crow 33 *
Curran 28 *
Curtis 30 *
Dister 27 *
Dunlavy 24 *
Ecklekamp 36 *
Eggert 30 *
Eichelberger 33 *
Fortner 30 *
Gildehaus 29 *
Hall 30 *
Herrick 27 *
Johnson 30 *
Kavanaugh 27 *
Kossmann 25 *
Loyd 23 *
Miller 21 *
Mitchell 27 *
Moosmann 29 *
Morris 23 *
Nealis 23 *
Purschke 22 *
Sharma 30 *
Triplett 30 *
Viox 27 *
Voss, Chas 29 *
Voss, Colby 32 *
Voss, Dean 36 *
Zastrow 33 *


Thursday, November 3, 2022

Curran Does the Unthinkable ... And Thrives

There's an old saying in the journalism biz.  When your headline reads, "Dog Bites Man," it's not much of a story.  But, when your headline reads, "Man Bites Dog," now you have a real tale to tell.

It happened on the 4th green today.  Greg Curran inadvertently left a couple clubs there.  It's happened to every single one of us.  And the older you get, the more often it happens.  Not much of a story there.  But wait!  Greg's story has an unbelievable twist that makes it real news.  The group behind found the clubs, drove forward to Greg's group and tried to return them.  Greg thanked them for the effort, but told them that the clubs didn't belong to anyone in the group.  So, like the good citizens they were, they turned the lost clubs into the clubhouse.  Again, not much of a tale to tell.  We've all done exactly the same thing.

EXCEPT ... THE CLUBS ACTUALLY WERE GREG'S ... AND HE PLAYED THE NEXT 14 HOLES WITHOUT THEM.  Not only that, Greg and his team of Eichelberger, Eggert and Moosmann won two of the three legs .. back and total.  And they couldn't have done it without Greg being +2, +1, +3 on the day!!!  The only player out of the 13 that p;ayed who was plus on everything.  That's right, Greg won 2nd individual on the front, 3rd on the back and 1st on total.  MAN BITES DOG!!!! Folks, we have a real story here. And he wins damn near everything with two of his clubs sitting in the clubhouse!!! 

Fellow Oldtimers.  That has to be a first in the entire half a millennium history of golf.  Two good Samaritans try to return his lost clubs ... he refuses them ... and goes on to win the majority of the pot.  And the pin is still sticking sideways on the back of 18 green.

The front was won by Kossmann +3, Dunlavy +1 and Morris -3.  They were +1.  Kossmann wins 1st on the front, Curran 2nd and Dunlavy 3rd.  First on the back was split by Voss and Moosmann at +2.  Curran was 3rd.  Curran's +3 was 1st total, Moosmann at +2 was 2nd and Johnson and Kossmann split 3rd at Even.

Dunlavy won the #5 Greenie.  Voss won #11.

Curran goes +2 to 28 (the only guy to add to his quota today.) Voss -1 to 29. Dister -1 to 26. Hall -1 to 29. Purschke -1 to 21.  Aholt -1 to 28. Dunlavy -1 to 24.  Morris -1 to 23. Eichelberger -1 to 33.

No game Saturday. Chili Open.  See you next Tuesday.

Winter Quotas

Aholt 28 *
Baer 29 *
Blackwell 31 *
Coleman 32 *
Cozzo 27 *
Crow 33 *
Curran 28 *
Curtis 30 *
Dister 26 *
Dunlavy 24 *
Ecklekamp 36 *
Eggert 31 *
Eichelberger 33 *
Fortner 30 *
Gildehaus 29 *
Hall 29 *
Herrick 27 *
Johnson 29 *
Kavanaugh 27 *
Kossmann 25 *
Loyd 23 *
Miller 22 *
Mitchell 27 *
Moosmann 27 *
Morris 23 *
Nealis 23 *
Purschke 21 *
Sharma 30 *
Triplett 30 *
Viox 27 *
Voss, Chas 29 *
Voss, Colby 32 *
Voss, Dean 36 *
Zastrow 33 *

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Yup, there was a Baer in the woods sighting

A rumor was heard that the clubhouse workers needed some entertainment so they had the grounds crew speed up the greens and cut the pin on 18 back left in an impossible position. The oldtimers gave them lots of laughs and maybe some bad language they hadn't heard in awhile. 8 of the 9 oldtimers fell victim but one stood tall(he actually is tall). Dennis made a 20' rainbow putt and took the singles total along with tying front n back for second. unfortunately he had some deadbeat partners and the team of Bill, Charlie V, and Rich swept the team game with Bill winning front and CV taking back. Closest to the pin for the month is 5, won by Bill, and 11, won by Charlie C. He and guest Frank Baer in the last group had quite an audience on 18. humility is one of the virtues needed for golf after all. Thanks to three slow foursomes in front of us we barely got in before dark but there is nowhere else we would rather have been................Bill Hall +1 to 30. Charlie Voss +1 to 30. Charlie Curtis -1 to 30. Tom Dunlavy -1 to 25. Dennis Kossmann +2 to 25. Frank Baer -2 to 28. Winter Quotas Aholt 29 * Baer 28 * Blackwell 31 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 33 * Curran 26 * Curtis 30 * Dister 27 * Dunlavy 25 * Ecklekamp 36 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 34 * Fortner 30 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 30 * Herrick 27 * Johnson 29 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 25 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosmann 27 * Morris 24 * Nealis 23 * Purschke 22 * Sharma 30 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 30 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 36 * Zastrow 33 *.