Thursday, November 3, 2022

Curran Does the Unthinkable ... And Thrives

There's an old saying in the journalism biz.  When your headline reads, "Dog Bites Man," it's not much of a story.  But, when your headline reads, "Man Bites Dog," now you have a real tale to tell.

It happened on the 4th green today.  Greg Curran inadvertently left a couple clubs there.  It's happened to every single one of us.  And the older you get, the more often it happens.  Not much of a story there.  But wait!  Greg's story has an unbelievable twist that makes it real news.  The group behind found the clubs, drove forward to Greg's group and tried to return them.  Greg thanked them for the effort, but told them that the clubs didn't belong to anyone in the group.  So, like the good citizens they were, they turned the lost clubs into the clubhouse.  Again, not much of a tale to tell.  We've all done exactly the same thing.

EXCEPT ... THE CLUBS ACTUALLY WERE GREG'S ... AND HE PLAYED THE NEXT 14 HOLES WITHOUT THEM.  Not only that, Greg and his team of Eichelberger, Eggert and Moosmann won two of the three legs .. back and total.  And they couldn't have done it without Greg being +2, +1, +3 on the day!!!  The only player out of the 13 that p;ayed who was plus on everything.  That's right, Greg won 2nd individual on the front, 3rd on the back and 1st on total.  MAN BITES DOG!!!! Folks, we have a real story here. And he wins damn near everything with two of his clubs sitting in the clubhouse!!! 

Fellow Oldtimers.  That has to be a first in the entire half a millennium history of golf.  Two good Samaritans try to return his lost clubs ... he refuses them ... and goes on to win the majority of the pot.  And the pin is still sticking sideways on the back of 18 green.

The front was won by Kossmann +3, Dunlavy +1 and Morris -3.  They were +1.  Kossmann wins 1st on the front, Curran 2nd and Dunlavy 3rd.  First on the back was split by Voss and Moosmann at +2.  Curran was 3rd.  Curran's +3 was 1st total, Moosmann at +2 was 2nd and Johnson and Kossmann split 3rd at Even.

Dunlavy won the #5 Greenie.  Voss won #11.

Curran goes +2 to 28 (the only guy to add to his quota today.) Voss -1 to 29. Dister -1 to 26. Hall -1 to 29. Purschke -1 to 21.  Aholt -1 to 28. Dunlavy -1 to 24.  Morris -1 to 23. Eichelberger -1 to 33.

No game Saturday. Chili Open.  See you next Tuesday.

Winter Quotas

Aholt 28 *
Baer 29 *
Blackwell 31 *
Coleman 32 *
Cozzo 27 *
Crow 33 *
Curran 28 *
Curtis 30 *
Dister 26 *
Dunlavy 24 *
Ecklekamp 36 *
Eggert 31 *
Eichelberger 33 *
Fortner 30 *
Gildehaus 29 *
Hall 29 *
Herrick 27 *
Johnson 29 *
Kavanaugh 27 *
Kossmann 25 *
Loyd 23 *
Miller 22 *
Mitchell 27 *
Moosmann 27 *
Morris 23 *
Nealis 23 *
Purschke 21 *
Sharma 30 *
Triplett 30 *
Viox 27 *
Voss, Chas 29 *
Voss, Colby 32 *
Voss, Dean 36 *
Zastrow 33 *

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