Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Sometimes ... maybe when you're driving home ... or walking the dog ... or standing in line to check out at Schnuck's ... you think that if that putt hadn't lipped out you would've won.  Not today!  No matter how you add it up, Hall, Moosmann and Purschke would've beaten you ... make that whupped you.  They were the only team of the four that had all their players plus ... on the front ... the back ... and total.  Not only that, two of their members finished in the top 2.  And the third would've won something individually in every round we played in the last month.  Today, he was just along for the ride.  Mind you, his +3 helped his team to a +11 front, +3 back and +14 total.  Congrats are definitely in order for their fine play.

Tom Dunlavy stuffed one to about 3-feet on 5.  Greenie!  I have no idea how close Hall was on 11, but when we went through, it looked like Eckelkamp had a shoo-in.  Greenie for Hall.

Individually, Hall won the front at +5 and total at +6.  Teammate Moosmann wins 2nd on the front at +4 and tied for 2nd total with Dister at +5.  Loghead's +3 was good enough for third on the front.  Voss and Dister shared 1st and 2nd on the back at +3 and Ryan Eckelkamp's +2 won third. 

Mack Miller -1 to 21.  Terry Moosmann +2 to 29.  Leroy Eggert -1 to 30.  Bill Hall +1 to 30.  Charlie Johnson +1 to 30.  Dave Dister +1 to 27.  Dave Aholt -1 to 27.  Rich Purschke +1 to 22.

Winter Quotas

Aholt 27 *
Baer 29 *
Blackwell 31 *
Clark 36 *
Coleman 32 *
Cozzo 27 *
Crow 33 *
Curran 28 *
Curtis 30 *
Dister 27 *
Dunlavy 24 *
Ecklekamp 36 *
Eggert 30 *
Eichelberger 33 *
Fortner 30 *
Gildehaus 29 *
Hall 30 *
Herrick 27 *
Johnson 30 *
Kavanaugh 27 *
Kossmann 25 *
Loyd 23 *
Miller 21 *
Mitchell 27 *
Moosmann 29 *
Morris 23 *
Nealis 23 *
Purschke 22 *
Sharma 30 *
Triplett 30 *
Viox 27 *
Voss, Chas 29 *
Voss, Colby 32 *
Voss, Dean 36 *
Zastrow 33 *


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