Sunday, August 11, 2024

Saturday, August 10th: Fabulous Weather & Clark (+3), 69 !!!

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for August are #3 & #14.

Conditions:  On Saturday, eleven golfers played on a gorgeous day , 73-78 degrees, 1-2 mph winds, 50% humidity, dry fairways and fast greens.

Team Winners:  Clark, Hall, J. Zastrow & O. Zastrow win the back (+2), total (+3) and tie Dunlavy, Johnson & Sharma on the front (+1).

Individual Winners:  Clark wins the front (+3).  O. Zastrow wins the back (+3).  Dunlavy won the total (+4).

Closest to the Holes:  Coleman won #3 and O. Zastrow took #14.

Even/Plus Points Club: Dunlavy (+4), Clark & O. Zastrow (+3), Johnson & J. Zastrow (+1) and Coleman (€).

75 & Below Score Club:  Clark (69), J. Zastrow (70), O. Zastrow (73), Coleman (74) and Johnson (75).

Golf Quote: “You can make a lot of money in this game. Just ask my ex-wives. Both of them are so rich that neither of their husband’s work.” – Lee Trevino

Golf Stuff:  In colder temperatures, a golf ball and golf club don’t experience the same efficient transfer of energy as in warmer temperatures. Colder air is also denser than warm air, which means the golf ball experiences more drag and friction. Moreover, when the golfer’s muscles are warmer, they perform better as well. While the change in distance is not huge, a golf ball tends to travel about 10 more yards in warmer weather.

Quota Increases:   All (+1): Coleman, Dunlavy & O. Zastrow

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Kossmann & Sharma… Note:  Moosman dropped from 25 to 24 and will move to Gold tees at 26.

Quotas: Aholt 31 * Alferman 34 * Baer 32 * Blackwell 32 * Clark 35 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 31 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 30 * Dunlavy 28 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 30 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 31 * Hall 31 * Herrick 27 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 29 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 26 (Gold Tees) * Morris 25  * Meyer 30 * Nealis 22 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 32 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 27 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 27 (Blue Tees) * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 26 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 32 * Zastrow, Josh 36

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