Sunday, August 4, 2024

Saturday, August 3rd: Dister Has Hole in One on #3… Hall (+6), 72!!!

NOTE:   Closest to the holes for August are #3 & #14.

Conditions:  On Saturday, seven golfers played on a hot, 87-90 degrees, 2-3 mph winds, 65% humidity, dry fairways and very slow greens.

Team Winners:  Clark, Coleman, Eggert & Hall swept the front (+2), back (+5) and total (+7).

Individual Winners:  Coleman won the front (+4).  Dunlavy won the back (+6) and Hall won the total (+6).

Closest to the Holes:  Dister won #3 and Eggert took #14.

Even/Plus Points Club: Hall (+6), Dister (+4), Coleman & Dunlavy (+3) and Eggert (2).

75 & Below Score Club:  Coleman & Hall (72), Clark & Eggert (75).

Golf Quote: “On being asked, before his final round, what he had to shoot to win the golf tournament. – "The rest of the field. – Roger Maltbie

Golf Stuff:  At the 1935 US Open, things began to come to a head when one player turned up with 32 clubs in their bag, including a full set of both left and right-handed clubs. It was after this event that the USGA began to take a serious look at limiting the number of clubs players could carry and use.  Officially, the rules changed on September 1939 and limited the number of clubs to 14.  It’s suggested that 14 was perhaps chosen as the ideal number after a conversation between Bobby Jones and Tony Torrance at the 1936 Walker Cup about the number of clubs they each carried during their playing careers. Torrance stated that he carried only 12 clubs whereas Jones mentioned that he used 16 en route to his 1930 Grand Slam. Supposedly, they settled on 14 being a suitable limit as a compromise.

Quota Increases:   Dister (+2)…  All (+1): Dunlavy, Eggert & Hall

Quota Decreases:   All (-1):  Johnson

Quotas: Aholt 30 * Alferman 34 * Baer 32 * Blackwell 32 * Clark 36 * Coleman 32 * Cozzo 26 * Crow 34 * Curran 30 * Curtis 31 (White Tees) * Dister 29 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 31 * Eichelberger 31 * Fortner 28 * Gildehaus 31 * Hall 30 * Herrick 28 * Hoemann 33 * Johnson 30 * Kavanaugh 24 * Kossmann 30 * Lindhoff 31 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 26 * Morris 25  * Meyer 30 * Nealis 22 * Palumbo 31 *  Parmentier 32 * Purschke 20 * Scheer 20 * Scheidegger 32 * Schrader 33 * Sharma 28 * Stapp 33 * Stoehner 25 * Tiefenbrunn 27 (Blue Tees) * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 26 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow, Owen 31 * Zastrow, Josh 36 

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