Thursday, May 2, 2019

Krakow Old Timers Official Rules

Krakow Old Timers

The Rules

Our beloved commissioner cut his trip to the Caribbean short to attend our winter meeting.  Decisions were made on the few rules we have.

1. Your quota is based on the following:

a.  If you are a new member, subtract your GHIN index from 36.  Round up if it's .5 or                                                                     higher.  For example; 36 (quota points for an even par round)

                                      -12.5 (your index)

                                     =23.5 (round up) your quota is 24 for the first round you play.

 Let's say you shoot an 80 that day.  80 is nine over par, so you would have had 27 points or plus 3 for the day.  The next time you play, your quota would be 24 (your entry quota) + 27 (actual quota of first round) = 51¸2 = 25.5 (round up) 26.  The average of your daily quotas would continue to be calculated in this way until you reach 20 rounds. At that point, we eliminate the first round on the list and replace it with your most current round.  That continues on for as long as you play from those tees.

2. When you reach the age of 70, you may choose to move from the white tees to the gold tees.  You don't have to do this, but you are completely eligible to do so if you wish.  One exception, you can't play the gold tees on the par 3s until you are 75 years old.

    a.  If you choose to make the move, it will be a permanent decision on your part.  You can't play the white tees one day and the gold tees the next.  You must stay on the gold tees.

     b. When you make that move, 2 points will be added to your quota.  If your quota was 20 from the whites, your new quota will be 22 from the golds. You will be given a grace period of 4 rounds to establish your quota from the gold tees with your gold tee scores included in the divisor. 2 points added to 19 scores plus gold tee scores and so on until you complete your fourth round.  At that time, the previous 16 scores will be eliminated and your quota will be entirely based on the scores you shoot from the new set of tees.

     c.  When you reach 80 years old, you may move to the red tees.

     d.  When you reach 85 years old, you may move to the family tees.

3. It is entirely your decision how you choose to play.  You can bump the ball.  You can play the ball down.  Whichever way you choose to play, you must be consistent.  You can't play it up one day and down on the next.  Your quota would not reflect a consistent style of play and therefore, would be unfair to the field.  

4. Any part of the ball inside the leather is a gimme.  Or, you can use the tape mark on the flag stick. Everything else must be putted.  

5. Eagles are worth 5 points, birdies 3, pars 2, bogies 1, Double Bogies 0, Triple Bogey or worse -1.

6. Prize fund is a maximum of $4.25 per session.  25-cents per greenie hit = $1.25

                                                                                25-cents Nassau singles =     .75

                                                                                    75-cents Nassau team =  2.25

    a. Change not provided.  Bring quarters.

7.  If somebody wants to coordinate a voluntary skins component, have at it.

That's basically it.  The Commissioner is looking forward to returning to the fray as soon as his move is complete.  He felt this clarification was necessary because we have so many members who are at … or about to be at ... the age of 70.  It ain’t a lot of money, but we want to be consistent and fair to the field.

……..the above rules reflect the opinions of the real and acting commish and not the advertisers of this blog. at this time there are no paying advertisers of said blog. naming rights and prime advertising spots are available. please email the advertising department at for more information on this wonderful opportunity.

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