Friday, May 24, 2019


It seems that a serious butt whipping occurred yesterday as 7 old timers teed it up at friendly FCCC. DA appears to be the recipient of a lucky chip being drawn.
the results are as follows as provided by the acting commish…..

#3 Purschke; #5 Johnson; #7 Voss, C #11 and #14 Aholt
Individual: Purschke +4 on front; Hall +5 on back; Hall +5 on 18

Team: Hall,Aholt, Purschke go +3, +3, +6 and win all three ways against
Voss, Dister, Johnson and Harrison.  They were -4, -8, -12.

Dister goes up one.  Johnson and Harrison go down one.  All else remain the same.
Aholt 28
Coleman 32
Curtis 32
Dister 28
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 26
Hall 27
Harrison 16
Johnson 27
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 24
Loyd 23
Mitch 24
Moosmann 26
Morris 22
Nealis 23
Purschke 20
Scuito 27
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D.

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