Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Rich and Charlies is baaaack!

It was a blast from the past today at FCCC..Rich and Charlies returned to the Washington area for a few hours. The team of RP and the three Charlie's swept the singles and took two of the three team games. Led by CV +4,+2,+6, and RP +1,+5,+6. If it wasn't for the -4 performance by CC on the back.....it would have been a complete sweep. It's not like the team of BC, BH, DD, AND DA were slouches today....+3,+8,+11, but Rich and Charlies led by the phenomenal one putting of CJ was too much too handle. CJ hit 5 greens today and shot 76!!
Greenies were as follows...
BC 3 and 5
DA 7
RP 11
the King 14

See you all on the flip side.


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