Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Today was an unusual day for at least one of our two foursomes.....Although we didn't utter the word sensitivity or lack of...it was popular in our thru the green conversations. From describing our team results on the first hole..."that was three pars and Charlie"...to talking to a teammates ball as it is rolling towards the hole..calling out bite...when it actually stops three feet short of the hole. 19 years ago during my first tournament of the Emerald Coast Senior Scratch Series..on the first green I encouraged a fellow playing partners putt to break as it neared the hole...much to my dismay it broke out of the cup. It was then that I learned the phrase..."If it doesn't come out of your bag don't talk to it!!" Sensitivity is the word that comes to my mind during a time like that. Should I have been more sensitive to a persons feelings that I just 10 minutes ago met?? Or should he realized that as a rookie I was a little nervous and to cut me some slack?? Before I go any further we all know that golf balls are female by nature...they never have and never will listen to encouragement from a man!! Our conversations were all over the place today...and with the exception of Terry, we came up with buptkis in the $$$ column...it was an enjoyable day. Especially for someone who just got out of 14 days of quarantine. Now on to todays results...
Mike C led his team (bob, bill, charlie v)to a complete sweep with +5, +4, +9. He also won the back and total +4, +6. A nice little 69 today Mike! It must have been the Phil buttondown shirt you wore today. There I go again....lacking a little sensitivity. BTW Terry won the front with +3.
See you all Thursday. And if you are counting it was 4 VO's tonight!!

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