Sunday, October 30, 2022

2022 Summer Finale -- Beginning Winter Quotas

 October 29th turned out to be a beautiful Fall day.  There were 11 contestants ... some very good scores ... and all 11 went home with some cash.  The quotas you'll find at the end of this blog will be the first quotas you'll use for the winter season which starts Tuesday, November 1.  They will also be the quotas we'll revert to on April 1, 2023.  The reason we're doing this is simple.  A small but ferocious group will play the game all winter.  Needless to say, the conditions can be brutal and will cause quotas to drop like the stock market.  We will use the same calculating system in the winter ... the average of your last 5 scores ... but it will all be erased on April 1st of next year and your current quotas will be re-established along with the last five scores on your current list.  This is the only fair thing to do and we are proud of the fact that we have the fairest game in the club.

Now, let's congratulate our top 5 players of the year.  These are all members who played way more than once or twice.  1. Mike Clark -- 36.  2. Jim Eichelberger -- 34.  3. Ryan Crow -- 33.  4. Bob Coleman -- 32.  5.  Leroy Eggert -- 31.

Saturday's results.  The front nine was tied at +6 by the teams of Hall, Kossmann and Morris, the first group off ... and the last team off, again at +6 ... (in very close to a five-hour day I might add) Eichelberger, Mitchell, Dunlavy and Viox.  Led by Jim E. and Dave V., these final 4 easily took total at +5. All it took was Even to win the back nine and that was spearheaded by the red-hot Moosmann who dragged Curran, Voss and Dister across the finish line.

Individually, Terry Moosmann won first on the front at +4.  Second and third place money was split three-ways by Morris, Hall and Viox.  They were at +3.  The back saw Moosmann and Viox split 1st and 2nd at +3.  Eichelberger took third at +2.  Jim had a beautiful, even-par round for the day. +7 won total.  That was crafted by Terry Moosmann.  And newcomer Dave Viox must've been a little short on lunch money this week, so he made his second (2 for 2) winning appearance for 2nd at +6.  Jim took third at +3.

Greenies were more interesting for some than for others.  Your old, Acting Commish hit a shot that disappeared behind the flagstick on #7.  His teammate Charlie Voss pulled his shot slightly.  He ended up 6 inches to the left of the flagstick.  Charlie won the greenie by less than two inches.  Tom Dunlavy won the greenie on #14.  I understand all three of those shots ended up with birdies.

Dennis Kossmann -1 to 23.  Tim Morris -1 to 24.  Jim Eichelberger +1 to 34.  Brad Mitchell -1 to 27.  Dave Viox +2 to 27.  Terry Moosmann +1 to 27.  Greg Curran -1 to 26. 

Aholt 29 *
Blackwell 31 *
Coleman 32 *
Cozzo 27 *
Crow 33 *
Curran 26 *
Curtis 31 *
Dister 27 *
Dunlavy 26 *
Ecklekamp 36 *
Eggert 31 *
Eichelberger 34 *
Fortner 30 *
Gildehaus 29 *
Hall 29 *
Herrick 27 *
Johnson 29 *
Kavanaugh 27 *
Kossmann 23 *
Loyd 23 *
Miller 22 *
Mitchell 27 *
Moosmann 27 *
Morris 24 *
Nealis 23 *
Purschke 22 *
Sharma 30 *
Triplett 30 *
Viox 27 *
Voss, Chas 29 *
Voss, Colby 32 *
Voss, Dean 36 *  

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