Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The Last Time ... Ever

The group of 9 voted. The result of the vote will prevail. We will award Bob Coleman the Greenie on #7 today even though he forgot to mark it. We will never award a Greenie to someone who forgets to mark the Greenie again. It was a unanimous vote. Bob is recovering from Covid. His mind was momentarily diminished by illness. He gets the last unmarked Greenie ... ever. 

Also of note is that two Oldtimers prevailed for Third Place in the Tom Beste Member/Member tourney this past weekend. Messrs. Moosmann and Kossmann had the right stuff. Congrats to you from the group. 

Today, the Charlie Voss team ... which also included Johnson and Dister ... swept the team event +6, Even, +6. This commanding victory was totally due to the outstanding play of Charlie Voss who won individually the front and total (+6 and +7) while only tieing the back with Paul Nealis at +1. Tom Dunlavy won 2nd Front and total at +3, +2. Dave Dister won third front at +2 and tied for third with Nealis at +1. Of interest is that all three team members shot their age today. You already know who won the Greenie on #7 and Kenny Triplett won it on #14. The Greenies will remain on #7 and #14 until the end of the season on October 31. 

Bob Coleman -1 to 34. Bill Hall -1 to 29. Ken Triplett -3 to 30. Terry Moosmann -1 to 28. Tom Dunlavy +1 to 24. Dave Dister -1 to 26. Charlie Voss +2 to 20 Charlie Johnson -1 to 30. 

Aholt 29 * Blackwell 31 * Clark 36 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 32 * Curran 27 * Curtis 30 * Dister 26 * Dunlavy 24 * Ecklekamp 36 * Eggert 26 * Eichelberger 33 * Fortner 30 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 29 * Herrick 28 * Johnson 30 * Kavanaugh 27 * Kossmann 27 * Loyd 23 * Miller 23 * Moosmann 28 * Morris 25 * Nealis 23 * Purschke 22 * Sharma 32 * Triplett 30 * Viox 25 * Voss, Chas 30 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 36 *

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