Thursday, October 13, 2022

How'd Ya Like Pin On #8, Boys?

We're thinking of starting a Go Fund Me page for the guy who decides where to cut the pins.  The money would be used to send him to Pin Placement School.  And then, whenever someone in our group 5-putts because the pin is sticking sideways out of a hill, he would have to pay a portion of it back.  When the green speeds are running 11+ on the Stimp, you really should be a little more careful.

We had 15 players today.  I think that might be a record.  It was good to see Mike Clark again.  And we always look forward to Jimmy E. and Ryan C. joining the group.  It was tough out there today.  The winds were swirling and the greens were fast.  Two guys out of the 13 finished "plus."  Greg Curran at +2 and Mack Miller at +1.  The other 13 were "minus."

The team of Curran, Voss and Dister were -4, +3, -1.  They tied Coleman, Dunlavy, Moosmann and Aholt on the front at -4 and otherwise swept the back and total.  That was completely attributable to the unbelievable back nine play of Greg Curran ... +4.  The front individual was split by Coleman and Miller at +1.  Crow and Dister split third at Even.  Second to Curran on the back was Dunlavy at +2 and Crow and Purschke split third at +1.  Total was taken by Curran's +2. Miller was second at +1 and Purschke, Crow and Dister split third at -1.

Mike Clark brought the 54-yard 7th to its knees for the Greenie (cart paths were being installed to force a shortening of the hole.)  And newcomer Drew Herrick nailed the Greenie on 14.

Charlie Johnson -1 to 29  Bill Hall -1 to 28.  Terry Moosmann -1 to 27.  Jim Eichelberger -1 to 32.  Drew Herrick -1 to 27. And Ryan Crow has the honor of being the only Oldtimer to see his quota increase.  He is now a 33.  He dropped a 29, added a 31 and that 1/5th of a point kicked his quota all the way up to 33.

Aholt               29    *
Blackwell        31    *
Clark               36    *
Coleman         34    *
Cozzo              27    *
Crow               33    *
Curran             27    *
Curtis              30    *
Dister              26    *
Dunlavy          24    *
Ecklekamp      36    *
Eggert             26    *
Eichelberger   32    *
Fortner            30    *
Gildehaus       29    *
Hall                28    *
Herrick           27    *
Johnson          29    *
Kavanaugh     27    *
Kossmann      27    *
Loyd              23    *
Miller             23    *
Moosmann     27    *
Morris            25    *
Nealis             23    *
Purschke         22    *
Sharma           32    *
Triplett           30    *
Viox               25    *
Voss, Chas     30    *
Voss, Col.      32    *
Voss, Dean     36    *

List of all who have a quota but are not regulars:       
Alferman, D.    30   
Alferman, T.    33   
Carter    35   
Edmonston    23   
Gildehaus    29   
Harrison    23   
Hoemann    36   
Homeyer, Steve    28   
Homeyer, Dale    20   
Isgriggs    20   
Lakebrink    20   
Lamke    20   
Lee    36   
Lucy    22   
Marquardt, B.    30   
Marquart, M.    26   
Parke    30   
Parmentier    32   
Sciuto    26   
Smith, M    22   
Stoehner    25   
Thater    27   
Zastrow    33   

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