Sunday, May 28, 2023

Memorial Day Weekend Golf!


The unofficial start to summer got off this Memorial Day Weekend for the seven players participating on a very pleasant day: 76-81 degrees, 5-10 mph winds, firm fairways and relatively fast and hard to hold greens... Mike Clark & Jim Eichelberger made it back safely from Scotland after playing 25 rounds!  If you haven't already, check out the 14 blogs, on our Krakow Old Timers blog, that chronicle their adventures and include some fantastic photographs.

Team Winners: The front was tied at (-1).  The team of Curran, Dister & Curran won the back (+1) and total (+1).

Individual Winners:  Kossmann won the front (+5).  Curran won the back (+2) and total (+2).

Closest to the Holes:  C. Voss won both #3 and #11.

Even/Plus Points Club: Curran (+2), Kossmann (+1), Dister (€)

75 & Below Score Club:  None

Golf Quote:  “Don’t play too much golf. Two rounds a day are plenty.” – Harry Vardon… or was it Mike Clark & Jim Eichelberger?

Quota Increases: None

Quota Decreases: Dister (-1), Hall (-1)

Quotas: Aholt 31 * Blackwell 31 * Clark 34 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 32 * Curran 26 * Curtis 31 * Dister 25 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 32 * Eichelberger 33 * Fortner 30 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 26 * Herrick 25 * Hoemann 34 * Johnson 30 * Kavanaugh 26 * Kossmann 27 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 28 * Morris 24 * Nealis 23 * Parmentier 32 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 31 * Stoehner 25 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 28 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow 33

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Mike & Jim Play Their 25th Course!!! Special Addition #14 from Scotland (Clark & Eichelberger's Big Adventure!)

Last day in Scotland and it’s a bluebird low wind jewel of a day….

If you have to be stuck in Scotland, you could do a lot worse.

Rather than spend the day wandering around like a sheep looking at churches and castles…we decided to unpack the sticks and try another 18 hole round. Today finds us at Ratho Park golf club. It’s a 1924 James Braid designed parkland course. Lots of tree lined fairways and fast but bumpy greens. Fairway turf was magnificent. It’s similar to higher end St Louis clubs and if the rough were to grow in and be a little thicker it would be all anyone would want to take on. Jimmy and I both hit it well and the FCCC boys are going to be amazed at his more compact swing.

What’s not amazing is my ability to hit it close and miss putt after putt. I’m glad we were not playing with members and it was only poor Jimmy that had to listen to my bitching.

Golf is done for us in Scotland. We are sitting outside on what would be considered a lovely spring evening having a beer in front of an 1850s stone club, watching members tee off and practice and having a beer.

Pretty similar to when we gather around on the patio back home to chip in our $3.50.

Golf is golf.

They love it here and we love it at home.

See you boys soon!!

Course #25: Ratho Park Golf Club clubhouse.
Parkland course.  The only one we played.  The only place we each had a barkie on the entire trip.
Pure beauty.
The guys on the 1st tee.
Another awesome angle view.
The only course to remind us of home.
Had a couple sips of Kingsbarns whiskey on the course.
After round refreshments.

Eleven in Weather Heaven!


Excellent weather drew 11 players today: 77-81 degrees, 7-9 mph winds, firm fairways and greens that were a bit furry.... 

Team Winners: The team of Moosman, Blackwell, Purschke & Dunlavy won the front (-1).  The team of Coleman, Kossmann & Curran won the back (+5) and total (+2).

Individual Winners: C. Voss & Moosman tied the front (+2).  Hall won the back (+3).    Total was tied by Hall & Moosman (+3).

Closest to the Holes: Kossmann won #3 and Hall won #11.

Even/Plus Points Club: Hall (+3), Moosman (+3), Purschke (+2), Coleman (+1), Curran (+1), C. Voss (+1), Kossmann (€).

75 & Below Score Club: Coleman (72)

Golf Quote: “When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one more club or two more balls.” - Henry Beard

Quota Increases: Hall (+1), Moosman (+1), C. Voss (+1)

Quota Decreases: Dunlavy (-1), Johnson (-1)

Quotas:  Aholt 31 * Blackwell 31 * Clark 34 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 32 * Curran 26 * Curtis 31 * Dister 26 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 32 * Eichelberger 33 * Fortner 30 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 27 * Herrick 25 * Hoemann 34 * Johnson 30 * Kavanaugh 26 * Kossmann 27 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 28 * Morris 24 * Nealis 23 * Parmentier 32 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 31 * Stoehner 25 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 28 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow 33

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Extra... Extra... Mike & Jim are Being Held Hostage in Scotland Until Friday!!!!! Special Addition #13 from Scotland (Clark & Eichelberger's Big Adventure!)

Mike's Notes & Pictures

Well we should be home!!!!

It was a rise and shine morning for us, 7am Scottish breakfast and moving like a well oiled machine, bags and clubs in the Volvo and off to the airport for a fond fair well to Scotland. All going smooth, Jimmy got an upgrade so he was extra pleased and I had just got myself situated in my oversized business class seat… check…built my nest of pillows and blankets for long haul comfort…. check…… headphones plugged in….. check….. movie selected….. check…. In flight meal ordered…… check…. Slippers on….. check…… take off…… not happening…..

Pilot comes on the intercom repeatedly with up dates on a mechanical issue.

End result after about 2 hours on the tarmac….. deplane and after another lengthy wait, collect our bags, hoof it off to the United rep to see what the plan will look like for getting home.

Turns out they already booked us on flights, just not together, and now I’m in the back of the plane in a middle coach seat. I’m not having any of that and so United has agreed to put us up for two nights plus expenses if I we can return on Friday. Thumbs up to that. In our defense, we were extra nice to the United gate gals that were getting a hard time from 260 extra fussy passengers. Just goes to show you what kindness and a 20 pound note can do for you.

In lieu of staring at each other all afternoon in the hotel lobby bar, we caught the tram into downtown Edinburg for some sights. I’m glad we did as it’s a remarkable place and that castle is quite the achievement. One can only imagine the amount of shear man power it took to build the thing on top of the near mountain it sits on. Certainly a tribute to human ingenuity. We managed to explore a couple local drinking establishments while we were downtown and we might find our way back there tomorrow. As we were sitting outside of one pub a Scott who had already had a few saunters up and wants to discuss US politics and more definitively what an outstanding president Barak Obama is. He must have sensed that perhaps neither Jimmy or I were not in the mood and he slinked off inside not to be heard from again.

Upon returning back to the hotel, Jimmy realized we have not used any of our 30 pounds daily allotment for food. We’ve already eaten, but since United Airlines wants us to be happy I’m now staring at a bag of 25 Cadbury chocolate bars.

What the hell…

Jimmy has about the same as me.

After we gave some to the hotel staff, we still have a bunch left to share.

We are not yet sure what tomorrow brings but it will probably start out with 1/2 a chocolate bar.

Chocolate bar anyone?
Somewhere at the end of this hall is my room. Girl at the counter must have recognized something about me as I’ve got the handicap accessible one.

Jim's Pictures and notes

Jim was excited that he received a free upgrade to Economy Plus and even an exit row.  Things were going great to start the trip home. 
During the maintenance delay, Jim calculated the steps and miles walked during our 24 rounds in 13 days.  Mike and Jim walked at least 160 miles in less than 2 weeks in Scotland and yes most of those steps were on the courses.
The mess of passengers waiting for luggage from cancelled flight.  Took at least 45 minutes to get our damn luggage back. 
The guys patiently waiting for our luggage.  Jim just wants to be back home. 
The guys lugging their shit to the hotel that is a short walk from the airport.  Not that freaking short.   
The guys took the opportunity to ride the tram to city center and check out the Edinburgh Castle.  Simply amazing. 

Jimmy heading into a real local Scottish pub that again was only a short walk.  Not!

Look at this old time pub bar.  Very cool. 
Mike excited upon exiting the old time pub after a double scotch. 

Zoom in and just check out how massive the castle is and how steep the slopes are.  How the heck did they build this thing?
Jim sending pictures and captions to Tom on the tram back to our hotel. 


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Special Addition #12 from Scotland (Clark & Eichelberger's Big Adventure!)


After about a 40 min drive north of St Andrews we rolled into our last day with the rented Volvo finding an open spot in the lot at Carnoustie as our first stop. It’s an iconic venue for certain. Set in a somewhat urban setting they try to do everything first class. Nice greeting and orientation, track man warm up area inside, expansive putting area fenced off from the general public. Ultra nice and professional.

Chris and Stuart were to be the caddies of the day, both members of the club and I must say they are very loyal and proud of where they belong.

Together they did their best to navigate us around the links. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to listen well and I found a few spots that Chris said not to hit it. Jimmy had some sharp irons going thru the round capped off by a blistered 5 iron 235 yards downwind to about 20 feet. Both the caddies said we could stand here all day and not see one that close.

That statement was magnified by my toed hybrid short and right of the green. The course is truly a championship venue and if the rough was much higher…. Which I guess it does get up as it warms, I’m not sure the average player could get around.

One can only imagine playing a fine drive that rolls on your intended line only to arrive at it and find a subtle knoll in the fairway has wickedly guided your ball into a fairway bunker that offers a cruel exit sideways. Such is links golf. It truly adds respect for those skilled and lucky enough to win the Open.

I had a heartbreaking bogey on 18 and I’m not going to take the heat for it. After a booming downwind drive that rolled for ever and skirted several pot bunkers I had about 120 into the hole and I’m already seeing that birdie on my card at the last. I asked my caddie how far to clear the burn in front of the green. 85 to clear and about 122 pin.

I had memories of the Jean VanDeVeld collapse and definitely wanted over that burn, but also wanted to get it close. No matter what I hit it’s going to bounce and roll 40 yards.. he hands me the 56… which I hit 85 yards consistently. I want the 52 but he says no 56 is plenty… ok… I go with what you say… I hit it well only to watch it fly into the burn, hit the wall and bounce back out towards me in the fairway. Lucky break. Not in the water but darn sure not a birdie.

I hit the same club again now 40 yards closer and two putt for bogey but could have been worse.

And the round is over.  Carnoustie wins. Both Jimmy and my impression…. Great course…. Just not exactly what we were expecting. As far as scenic views, there are nicer ones, as far as tests of golf… pretty tough.

Humbled but in good spirits we headed a mile or so down the road to Panmure. Founded in 1842 and steeped in history, this is where Ben Hogan came to prepare for his only Open championship. Tight fairways, rolling sloping greens and plenty of rough. It’s classic links without the ocean. I thought it was a great fair test of moderate length.

Paul and Tony were our caddies and they were so cordial and helpful. The great thing about the Scottish golf experience is taking the caddy and getting a small glimpse into their lives and they in yours. Paul and I discussed and it’s true…. If you approach the game with a more relaxed frame of mind and enjoy the walk and company exchanging pleasantries you end up playing better.

Despite reeling inside after a missed putt or offline shot, it still is just a moment in time that will pass and another opportunity presents itself just another few steps away. Jim and I felt the same as we concluded with two near birdies at the last and a couple solid pars at the end….mission accomplished, 24 courses in 13 days. A remarkable experience, great people and culture who welcomed us warmly everywhere. We are ready to come home, but the memory bank is full.

Carnoustie with halfway house in the background.
Guys in a deep ass bunker short of the green at Carnoustie.  Better just get it out.  Both guys missed these massive bunkers today.
Jim getting out safely from a pulled drive into a fairway bunker at Carnoustie.
The guys at Hogans favorite club.  The Panmure has a very historic clubhouse.
Hogan and Panmure connection.
Guys at Panmure.
Panmure has mounds and wasteland everywhere.

Panmure clubhouse behind on ugly mug!!!
Panmure view.

Band of Brothers (in-Law) Lead the Charge!

Gorgeous day for golf: Sunny, 79-83 degrees, 5-6 mph winds, semi-firm fairways and slightly fast greens.... Two guys that you wanted in your fox-hole today, were those band of brothers-in-law, Dave Aholt (+6) and Charlie Voss (+4).  Also, congratulations on Dave’s brilliant even par round of 71!!!

SATURDAY, the 27th, TEE TIME CHANGE:  10:50

Team Winners: The team of Aholt, C. Voss and Eggert won the front (-1), back (+7) and total (+6).

Individual Winners:   Aholt & Johnson tied the front (+1).  Aholt & C. Voss tied the back (+5) and Aholt won the total (+6).

Closest to the Holes:  C. Voss won #3 and Coleman won #11.

Even/Plus Points Club: Aholt (+6), C. Voss (+4), Dunlavy (+1), Purschke (€)

75 & Below Score Club: Aholt (71), Coleman (75)

Golf Quote: “Golf is very much like a love affair. If you don’t take it seriously, it’s no fun, if you do, it breaks your heart. Don’t break your heart, but flirt with the possibility.” — Louise Suggs

Quota Increases: Aholt (+1), Dunlavy (+1)

Quota Decreases: Coleman (-1), Hall (-1), Kossmann (-1)

Quotas:  Aholt 31 * Blackwell 31 * Clark 34 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 32 * Curran 26 * Curtis 31 * Dister 26 * Dunlavy 28 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 32 * Eichelberger 33 * Fortner 30 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 26 * Herrick 25 * Hoemann 34 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 26 * Kossmann 27 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 27 * Morris 24 * Nealis 23 * Parmentier 32 * Purschke 21 * Sharma 31 * Stoehner 25 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 27 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow 33


Monday, May 22, 2023

Special Addition #11 from Scotland (Clark & Eichelberger's Big Adventure!)

 Today found us at Dumbarnie Golf Links to start the morning… beautiful weather to start but after 12 holes we were scrambling to put on the rain gear.

This course is only 3-4 years old but it looks like it has been here for a hundred years.

Just magnificent turf to play on. I feel like I’m sharpening up my links game a bit with good scoring today.

Perfect for when both Jimmy and I get home. We have been grooming the 8 iron all the way down to 5 iron bump and run…. I’m sure that’s going to come in real handy at FCCC 😂

I was telling Jimmy, some of these holes are darn hard on a guy. We played a stretch into the wind this afternoon of par 4s equivalent to playing #1 at FCCC in the winter on a soggy fairway from the absolute black tips with 15-20 mph wind in the face. It’s just tough golf.

But if the wind is at your back, Jimmy hit several over 300 and I might have gotten a few in the 270-80 range so it all equals out.

The afternoon round was at Elie Golf Club… another very old seaside links par 72 with no par 5s… just 3s and 4s. It features some beautiful seaside holes. It starts with a blind tee shot up over a hill. There is an actual submarine periscope mounted in the starter shack that allows him to view and know when the fairway or green is clear for play to start the next group on 1.

They did not have caddies booked for us as someone stateside dropped the ball. I was on the phone giving the booking company an earful when Jimmy saved the day by getting us grouped with two others one of which did have a local caddy so we didn’t have to play blind. One of the guys was a horse breeder in Kentucky and the other guy was from Michigan..   they could both play but the guy from Michigan went swimming in cologne…. I mean you couldn’t walk downwind without out getting a nose full that doesn’t easily go away.

I kind of equated it to walking into the hog barn at the Town and Country Fair when it’s hot and sticky…. Even though you are breathing fresh air when you get outside, the smell sticks with you.

All in all despite packing the sticks we had a great time.

Tomorrow is our last two rounds beginning with the mighty Carnoustie and ending with Panmure. From what we have heard of how difficult Carnoustie is, I’m already preparing myself for an ass kicking but it’s going to get the best us Missouri boys can throw at it!

A shot of scotch to start the morning round at Dumbarnie.
The boys on the tee waiting to rip a drive down the middle.
Check out this view on Dumbarnie.
Today's caddies at Dumbarnie Links... Great guys!
Dumbarnie view.
Dumbarnie view.
Stay out of the gorse!
Rain came in mid-round and we had to suit up. We knew the rain was coming because the caddies started their round with gear on. 
Elie links in the afternoon.  Periscope from a retired WWII HMS sub. Starter can see the #1 green to know when to start the next foursome. Couple of places at FCCC that we could use something like this😂.
The view from back of #2 green with the clubhouse and starter box in the distance.  Zoom in and you can see the periscope. 
The guys on the seaside at Elie Links.  No par 5’s on this course but some long par 4’s.  Jim and Mike both shot in the mid-70’s at a challenging track. 
Mostly sunny afternoon after a bit of rain in the mid-day.  This is Elie Links. The views are amazing.
This is long par 4 along the coastline.  Look at this guys face - he is worn out😂 and his blistered feet are killing him but he keeps putting the miles on and checking off his buddies bucket list.  👍
Dunvegan for dinner.  Steps away from R&A and #18 on the Old Course. 

Our hotel for the last several nights in St. Andrews. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Special Addition #10 from Scotland (Clark & Eichelberger's Big Adventure!)

Todays golf started with my man Jimmy feeling a bit under the weather, but he put on his rally cap, laced ‘em up despite a couple nagging blisters and off we went on Leven Links.  This great course dates to 1846 and is a true links with criss crossing holes, mounded fairways and supposedly one of the hardest finishing holes in Scotland.  We had two great caddies in Tom and Kevin, both members of the club who managed to steer us around with a wealth of local knowledge.

The thing about these links courses is that you can cruise along hitting the ball well and then one bad bounce and you are staring a double bogey in the face. Jimmy has managed to hone his bump and run game nicely and has gotten up and down from all over with good chipping and solid putting.

Once again links golf has jumped up and bitten me in the ass.

Every caddy I have, I tell them to keep me out of fairway bunkers.

Today finds me with a decent round going and in one again, in a footprint, my ego won’t allow me to take a drop in the bunker as I feel I can at least get it out… wrong decision. After swinging precariously and actually falling over into the bunker, my next one is out but in the deep rough… a few more wacks and a glaring 7 is on the card. Just another dose of links golf humility.

Jimmy rallied and despite a few hiccups hit it quite solid. He’s swinging shorter with more control.

The 18th is a real test and my caddie was a 6 handicap and has been a member at Levin for 17 years and has only birdied it 5 times. It has a winding burn right in front of the green that swallows up dots that are just short.

Jimmy was on the green in two after a buster drive and I thought he was going to make it for sure…. But not to be…

Golf gods decided not today.

As I write this I’m sitting in the clubhouse of Lundin Golf Links with a table of members behind me watching the PGA. This club is special. Mostly running along the ocean it just gets your attention. Beautifully manicured it winds through dunes and gorse with deceptively large greens. The local golf pro’s son Ryan caddied for me and we had a ball. I did manage to scrape it around the front nine in -2. My best 9 hole round in Scotland but just couldn’t hold it together on the back. Jimmy made another stellar par on 18 to my bogey but I could hardly be disappointed with a great day. This place might be the favorite of the trip. It just has a great feel…. Ocean, links and friendly members… what more could we ask for.

 The winning team at Leven Golf Society Links

The entire crew at Leven
The guys with a spectacular view of the links behind them.
Mike in a dreaded fairway bunker at Leven.
Mike and Jim safety on a par 3 with looks at birdie at Leven.
Pro Shop at Lundin Golf Club.
Mike preparing for a drive right down the middle as usual at Lundin.
Mike and his caddie at Lundin.  The caddie was the professional's 15 year old son.  #1 tee shot with nothing but beach and water down the left.
Donut shaped bunker on a long par 4.