Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Weather Cool, but Leroy was on Fire!

Cooler weather today: 63-66 degrees, 3-4 mph winds, softer fairways and not terribly fast greens.... Leroy Eggert had a magnificent round of 69. However, no good deed goes unpunished, as his quota just jumped 2 points.

Team Winners: The team of Eggert, Coleman, C. Voss & Purschke won the front (+5), the back (E) and total (+5).

Individual Winners: Eggert won the front (+5).  the back (+3) & total (+8).

Closest to the Holes:  Coleman won #3 and C. Voss won #11.

Even/Plus Points Club: Eggert (+8), Kossmann (+4), Coleman (+2), Moosman (+1)

75 & Below Score Club: Eggert (69), Coleman (72)

Golf Quote:  “A leading difficulty with the average player is that he totally misunderstands what is meant by concentration. He may think he is concentrating hard when he is merely worrying.” – Bobby Jones

Quota Increases: Coleman (+1), Eggert (+2), Kossmann (+2)

Quota Decreases: Hall (-1), Purschke (-1)

Quotas:  Aholt 29 * Blackwell 31 * Clark 34 * Coleman 34 * Cozzo 27 * Crow 32 * Curran 28 * Curtis 31 * Dister 26 * Dunlavy 27 * Eckelkamp 36 * Eggert 32 * Eichelberger 33 * Fortner 30 * Gildehaus 29 * Hall 28 * Herrick 27 * Hoemann 34 * Johnson 31 * Kavanaugh 26 * Kossmann 28 * Loyd 23 * Miller 22 * Mitchell 27 * Moosman 26 * Morris 24 * Nealis 23 * Parmentier 32 * Purschke 22 * Sharma 31 * Stoehner 25 * Triplett 30 * Viox 27 * Voss, Chas 27 * Voss, Colby 32 * Voss, Dean 34 * Zastrow 33

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