Friday, August 30, 2019

Revised Point Totals

Aholt, Coleman and Homeyer each drop 1 to 27, 33 and 27 respectively.  Dister drops a 34 and adds a 38.  His quota is 29.2 ... 29. Curtis is last man standing at 34.

Aholt 27
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 21
Homeyer 27
Isgriggs 15
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Another Beautiful Day at FCCC

Another large turnout of the Krakow Old Timers Golf Group today. 14 players and the Comish playing 9, jostled around the Sand Box, anxiously awaiting the drawing of the teams for todays battle. Scoring today was all over the place. As we all know you are either playing your way into or out of a slump!! DD with a sizzling 21 points on the front at +7 easily wins the front. TM at +4 wins the back. And DD wins total at +9. Let's just hope that his point total inches up a few strokes for next week. The team of BH, DD,  and CJ WITH +8, e, +8 win front and total. Team DH, TM, SH, and RP win the back with +2.
Greenies were: #3 BC, #5, MM, #7 LE, #11 DH, #14 KE.

Old Timer of the week easily goes to the Acting Commish DD, with rounds of 73 and 70, +5 and +9. Throwing in a greenie for good measure. Excellent play this week DD! Your teammates this week thank you.

For the next two weeks I will be reporting our results from the beach. Stay thirsty my friends!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Recent Heavy Rain Causes Many Interesting Shots

It's always fun (not!) to play golf on squishy, wet fairways. The thought of a slightly fat shot bringing a mud bath to the face, causes a few unusual swings and results. Yesterdays early fall temperatures and beautiful sunny day brought twelve Old Timers to the course. Playing as teams of three, as suggested by CJ, was a great idea and welcomed by the group.

The winnings were spread around yesterday as 10 of the 12 Old Timers pulled money out of the pot.

Team DA, DD, and TM won the front with +7, as TM eagled #9. Team RP, MM, and CC with scores of +3 and +5 won the back and total.

DD with a smooth little 33 on the front, +6, wins the front. DH wins the back with +3, and DD wins total with +5 for the day.

Greenies: #3 BC, #5 DD, #7BC, #11CJ, #14 SH. 4 of the 5 greenies were won by the over 75 set.

Homeyer drops 1 to 28.  And ... fanfare ... Coleman goes up 1 to 34.  BC and CC are going mano a mano for Ol' Folks supremacy.  However, BC is dropping a 38 after next round and CC will drop a 30.

Aholt 28
Butler 29
Coleman 34
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 21
Homeyer 28
Isgriggs 15
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Saturday golf as reported by the Acting Commish

Activity yesterday as reported by the Acting Commish.....Six guys attacked their quotas this beautiful Saturday afternoon.  The team of DH (+4, -2, +2), BH (+1, +1, +2) and DD (+1, even, +1) took on the team of CV (+2, +2, +4), BC (Even, -1, -1) and TM (-1, -1, -2).  Team DH wins the front (+6 to +1) and the 18 (+5 to +1).  Team CV wins the back (Even to -1).

Individually, DH wins the front (+4) and CV wins the back and 18 (+2 and +4).

BH wins greenie on 3.  DD wins 5 and 14, BH wins 7 and CV wins 11.

CV enjoyed the round with a 26 quota, but his +4 performance notched him back up to 27.

Aholt 28
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 21
Homeyer 29
Isgriggs 15
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

Saturday, August 24, 2019

My Golf Spy Flag Stick In or Out Testing

Below is a controlled study on whether to leave the flagstick in or not. For those of you who don't want to read the study, but want the answer....assuming that your putts will finish 3 feet or less beyond the hole on misses...100% of putts striking the center of the pin will go in. 85% of off center pin strikes will also go in. With the pin out only 45% of off-center putts will go in!!!


So, now that you can leave the flagstick in, naturally the next question is should you?

With such a potentially game-changing topic with no definitive answers, we needed to test
this inside the MyGolfSpy LAB.

We want you to know once and for all, should you leave the flagstick in or pull it out?
Let’s find out.




P.S. - SHARE these results with every golfer you know!

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Yorktown VA 23692

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Friday, August 23, 2019

Something Strange has been Happening

Yesterday makes the 7th or 8th straight day that one team has swept the front, back, and total. After looking at the individual players on those winning teams, no one individual stands out as the Old Timer whose team you wanted to be on during this winning streak. Go figure?

On to yesterdays results.....Team BC, including DH, and CC swept the team game with scores of +6, +2 and +8. Individual winners were DH +5 on the front, CC +2 on the back, and DH +4 total. A complete sweep for team BC.

Greenies: #3 CC, #5 BH, #7 CC, #11 RP and #14 CV

The Old Timer of the week award goes to BC. Several times this summer BC has had award winning weeks, only to lose out to some other Old Timer with a better performance. All 4 of BC's rounds this week were positive and he captured 3 greenies Tuesday. Well done BC!

 Harrison up 1 to 21.  Voss down 1 to 26.

Aholt 28
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 21
Homeyer 29
Isgriggs 15
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 26
Voss, D. 33

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Tuesday's Results as reported by DD

The following is DD'S take on yesterdays action. Well done DD!!

10 players squared off today ... a day when the Stimp reading at dear ol' FC reached a blazing 1 to 1.4, depending on which green you were on.  The slowness took its toll.  Bob Coleman was the only guy who could hit 'em hard enough to get them to the hole.  Coleman wins the front +3 and the 18 +4.  Denny Harrison wins the back +2.

It was rough on the team effort as well.  BC, CJ and DD swept the front, back and 18.  They were a sizzling +2, -1, +1.  Coleman's coattails are about worn out.  However, he uses his score to vault back up to a quota of 33.  BC is second only to his majesty, The Blogger, who took the day off so as not to jeopardize his 34.

The only other contestant to improve was Steve Homeyer who shot a tidy 77 (30 pts.) to move up to 29.

Greenies were a broken record for BC who won 3, 5 and 7.  He was barely edged out by BH who got 11 and BC hit the green on 14, but CV was a mere couple of feet away to notch the greenie.

It was a sad day for our Commish in Perpetuity.  Wrapped in copper spandex he nailed his drives on 1, 2 and 3, but twisted the bad knee on 4 necessitating a WD.  The Commish will continue to join us, if only for the camaraderie, until he goes under the knife.  After rehab, he will officially rejoin the group as a player/competitor.  Looking forward to your speedy recovery, Commish.

It won't be too long before we see Herbie again.  He had his first procedure to eliminate back/hip pain last week and has two more to go.  The doc told him he expects Herbie to be playing again. soon.

Get well guys!

Aholt 28
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 20
Homeyer 29
Isgriggs 15
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Can you believe it's August?

10 Old Timers showed up today to play in wonderful conditions for mid August. Team RP, swept the team game with +5. +6 , +11. Individual honors were CC +4, DH +4 and CC +5. Greenies were as follows...
#3 CC, #5 CJ, #7 BC, #11 DD #14 CC

Weekly Old Timer of the Week goes to CC...with scores of +4 and +5, and three greenies. Rounds of 70 and 69. If you can't pat yourself on the back...who will?

See you all next week.

Coleman and Loyd drop 1 to 32 and 22 respectively.  Curtis ascends to the new king with 34.

Aholt 28
Butler 29
Coleman 32
Crow 28
Curtis 34
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 20
Homeyer 28
Isgriggs 15
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 22
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Tale of Two Teams.....

Tuesday was a day that the golf course was the winner. The best any of the teams could manage was even points. Team BC, RP,  and CC won the front, back, and total with even, -2, -2. CC won the front, tied the back with CJ,  and DD, and won total with +3, +1 +4. DD was a close second at +2, +1, +3.

Greenies ….#3 CJ, #5, RP, #7, BC, #11 CJ, #14 CC.

No quotas changed:

Aholt 28
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 33
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 20
Homeyer 28
Isgriggs 15
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 23
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Acting Commish is spreading his wings!!

The Acting Commish has put fingers to keyboard and tapped out his first official Blog for The Krakow Old Timers Golf Group. While DD provides valuable and regular input that makes this little blog possible; this is his first exclusive that covers the action that took place yesterday...….

It was a beautiful Saturday morning at FCCC and a quota game broke out.  Six members dug their heels in ... with the Commish in attendance.  DL didn't participate, but hit 'em long and true until the ol' knee gave out on the 9th hole.  Watch out when the doc gets him healthy.  He'll be a force to reckon with..
Bob Coleman made his triumphant return today and played well enough to increase his quota to 33.  BC and The Blogger are now tied for quota leaders of the pack.

Aholt 28
Butler 29
Coleman 33
Crow 28
Curtis 33
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 20
Homeyer 28
Isgriggs 15
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 23
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

Well done DD!

Friday, August 9, 2019

Updated Points

Ring that bell .... another player enters the upper atmosphere of quotas.  Congrats to Charlie Johnson for cracking the 30 barrier.

Aholt 28
Butler 29
Coleman 32
Crow 28
Curtis 33
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 20
Homeyer 28
Isgriggs 15
Johnson 30
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 23
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

The Ups and Downs of Golf

Let's face it golf is like a member of the opposite sex...just when you think you've figured them blows your mind, and you have no idea what's going on.
Back to yesterdays results. Team BH, consisting of CJ, DA, and CC swept the team game with scores of +7, -5, +2. BH with +4 wins the front, while teammate CC won the back and total with +1, +4.

Greenies as follows: #3 CJ, #5, RP, #7 CJ, #11 CJ and #14 CC. Kudos to CJ for his excellent par three play yesterday.

Once again....The Old Timer of the Week is awarded to the King (BH). With a pair of 74's, resulting in +4 and +3, and one greenie, it was an easy choice. The Acting Commish, DD had a terrific Tuesday with +5, +3, +8 (70) and one greenie. But was unable to compete yesterday due to matrimonial duties. See you all next week.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Updated Point Totals

Congrats to Bill Hall for becoming newest member of Club 30 Point Quota.  Apologies to Charlie Butler for thinking his name was Bartlett.

Aholt 28
Butler 29
Coleman 32
Crow 28
Curtis 33
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 30
Harrison 20
Homeyer 28
Johnson 29
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 23
Luther 15
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Today saw some good golfing of the ball by the Old Timers

The Acting Commish (DD), brought the heat today to lead his team to victory. With +5, +3 +8 he swept the individual. His team, including RP,  and TM swept the team game by 9 strokes. The team of CV, DA, BH, &CC shot +6, -1, +5. The king BH, continues his stellar play with +3, +1 +4. Everyone but CC -1, was positive for the day. Congratulations to DD, for his subpar round of 70. In his after round interview, he proclaimed that this was his best Old Timer round ever.
#3 RP, #5 RP (2 feet), #7 DD, #11 BH, #14 RP (2 feet again).

Friday, August 2, 2019

Thursdays Old Timers Results

Todays post will start off with the naming of the Old Timer of the Week. Once again after shooting the low round of his life (67), the King (BH) snares this award. With scores of +5, E, +5; and +6, +5, +11 and two greenies it was a no brainer.

On to yesterdays results. BH won individual honors for the front and total. LI tied BH on the back.
The team of DD +4, +1, +5, CJ +1, +2, +3, and LE +1, +2, +3 swept the ream game. LI had a terrific day as well, +5, +5, +10. On any normal day this would have been a huge winner. But, when the King shoots the round of his life...…..

Greenies are as follows: #3 and #11 LE, #5 and #7 BH, #14 CJ.

Charlie Bartlett is another new member.  He started with a quota of 30 and got 28 points.

Bill Hall shot 67 for lowest round of his life and 40 points.

Aholt 28
Bartlett 29
Coleman 32
Crow 28
Curtis 33
Dister 29
Edmonston 24
Eggert 29
Eichelberger 27
Hall 29
Harrison 20
Homeyer 28
Johnson 29
Kavanaugh 25
Lakebrink 22
Loyd 23
Luther 15
Marquart 24
Moosmann 25
Morris 22
Nealis 22
Purschke 24
Sciuto 27
Smith, M 21
Voss, C. 27
Voss, D. 33