Thursday, August 29, 2019

Another Beautiful Day at FCCC

Another large turnout of the Krakow Old Timers Golf Group today. 14 players and the Comish playing 9, jostled around the Sand Box, anxiously awaiting the drawing of the teams for todays battle. Scoring today was all over the place. As we all know you are either playing your way into or out of a slump!! DD with a sizzling 21 points on the front at +7 easily wins the front. TM at +4 wins the back. And DD wins total at +9. Let's just hope that his point total inches up a few strokes for next week. The team of BH, DD,  and CJ WITH +8, e, +8 win front and total. Team DH, TM, SH, and RP win the back with +2.
Greenies were: #3 BC, #5, MM, #7 LE, #11 DH, #14 KE.

Old Timer of the week easily goes to the Acting Commish DD, with rounds of 73 and 70, +5 and +9. Throwing in a greenie for good measure. Excellent play this week DD! Your teammates this week thank you.

For the next two weeks I will be reporting our results from the beach. Stay thirsty my friends!

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