Friday, August 9, 2019

The Ups and Downs of Golf

Let's face it golf is like a member of the opposite sex...just when you think you've figured them blows your mind, and you have no idea what's going on.
Back to yesterdays results. Team BH, consisting of CJ, DA, and CC swept the team game with scores of +7, -5, +2. BH with +4 wins the front, while teammate CC won the back and total with +1, +4.

Greenies as follows: #3 CJ, #5, RP, #7 CJ, #11 CJ and #14 CC. Kudos to CJ for his excellent par three play yesterday.

Once again....The Old Timer of the Week is awarded to the King (BH). With a pair of 74's, resulting in +4 and +3, and one greenie, it was an easy choice. The Acting Commish, DD had a terrific Tuesday with +5, +3, +8 (70) and one greenie. But was unable to compete yesterday due to matrimonial duties. See you all next week.

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