Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Updated Quotas

There are no changes up or down after today's play. The list indicated below represents those members who play on a more or less regular basis. A complete list of all who have a quota can be found elsewhere in the blog. Aholt 30 Coleman 36 Crow 34 Curtis 33 Dister 31 Eichelberger 29 Hall 30 Harrison 26 Johnson 29 Kavanaugh 28 Kossmann 26 Loyd 26 Moosmann 28 Morris 23 Purschke 26 Sharma 33 Voss, C. 31

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

FCCC 1, Old Timers 0

Today was one of those Days...When the course came out on top. All nine Old Timers that showed up today were eliminated from Old Timer of the Week Award after the front nine. -1 was the best anyone could muster on the front. Terry, Bob, Rich, Dave A, Bill and Charlie J each tied the front. Rich and Bill righted the ship on the back with +3 and +2. Dave A came in third on the back. All three again won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd with +2, +1, and -1 respectfully. Dave A (Old Timer of the Week), Bill, and Charlie J won the front, -3, tied the back with Dave D, Bob, And Rich at even, and won total with -3. It was a pretty rough day, chilly, windy, with relatively challenging playing conditions throughout the course. At least we saw the sun every few minutes.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Old Timer of the Week Award

Once again we have an Old Timer that has played well enough throughout the week to qualify for consideration as Old Timer of the week. To recap qualifying guidelines to be eligible for consideration of this prestigious award...An Old Timer must play at least 2 of the 3 eligible days, and not have any negative point nines during those days. This week Dave Aholt went +1, +1, +2, and a stellar +5, +2, +7 to take the honor of "Old Timer of the Week". Well played Dave!! Another Dave, the Acting Commish had an excellent Saturday, but slipped up a little earlier in the week, removing him from consideration. Several Old Timers took part in the clubs ryder cup matches over the weekend, and a good time was had by all. As I have done my share of pointing out deficiences throughout the golf course, it is only fair that I mention that the surfaces that we must putt on are starting to improve and the stimp has risen a little during the past week. we can only hope that the weather continues to provide good growing conditions. See you all tomorrow.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Saturday Scoring

The weather was September-glorious as seven Oldtimers marched to the first tee. We were joined by two new members. Tom Dunlavy, an FCCC member, brought his son-in-law, Jeff Cozzo, visiting from Atlanta. Their teammates were Bill Hall and Ryan Crow. (A note to The Blogger, when it’s time to collect, Tom has both his $3 and his son-in-law’s $3.) The practice green was encouraging. My guess the stimp was at 7 or 8. A nice speed for a beautiful fall day. Then … when you had that 20-footer on the first green … and you left it 10-feet short … you knew it was going to be a collection of interesting putting surfaces. But I digress! Tom’s opening quota was 24. Jeff’s was 28. Tom birdied the first hole, Jeff eagled the sixth. So, it goes without saying, questions were raised!!!!!!!! The three-man team was led by Mr. 36, Bob Coleman. Dennis Harrison and Dave Dister were his minions. Here’s how the 7-man game turned out. Remember, the winning team earns 2-2-2. Individual pays two places: 3-3-3 and 2-2-2. Winners indicated in Red! Dunlavy (12/12) +1 -3 -2 -$3 Cozzo (14/14) -1 -1 -2 -$3 Hall (15/16) -1 -3 -4 -$3 Crow (17/17) -2 E -2 Tie 2nd B ($1) -$3 = -$2 Team -3 -7 -10 Coleman (18/18) +3 -4 -1 TTT ($2) 2nd F ($2) -$3 = +$1 Harrison (13/13) +1 E +1 TTT ($2) Tie 2nd B ($1) 2nd T ($2) -$3 = +$2 Dister (15/16) +4 +3 +7 TTT ($2) 1st F ($3) 1st B ($3) 1st T ($3) -$3 = +$8 Team +8 -1 +7 Hall drops 1 to 30. Harrison drops 1 to 25. Both Dunlavy and Cozzo drop 1 from their entry-level quotas. Dunlavy is now 23. Cozzo is 27. Aholt 30 Alferman, D. 30 Alferman, T. 33 Blackwell 30 Butler 29 Clark 34 Coleman 36 Cozzo 27 Crow 34 Curtis 33 Dister 31 Dunlavy 23 Ecklekamp 38 Edmonston 24 Eggert 31 Eichelberger 29 Fortner 27 Gildehaus 26 Hall 31 Harrison 26 Homeyer 26 Isgriggs 16 Johnson 29 Kavanaugh 28 Kossmann 26 Lakebrink 21 Lamke 20 Loyd 26 Marquardt, B. 30 Marquart, M. 25 Moosmann 28 Morris 23 Nealis 23 Parmentier 33 Purschke 26 Sciuto 27 Sharma 33 Smith, M 22 Triplett 28 Voss, C. 31 Voss, D. 32 Zastrow 34

Friday, September 25, 2020

Updated quotas

Just three changes out of 13 players. Bob Coleman up 1 to 36. Dave Dister +1 to 31. Mike Clark -1 to 34. Aholt 30 Alferman, D. 30 Alferman, T. 33 Blackwell 30 Butler 29 Clark 34 Coleman 36 Crow 34 Curtis 33 Dister 31 Ecklekamp 38 Edmonston 24 Eggert 31 Eichelberger 29 Fortner 27 Gildehaus 26 Hall 31 Harrison 26 Homeyer 26 Isgriggs 16 Johnson 29 Kavanaugh 28 Kossmann 26 Lakebrink 21 Lamke 20 Loyd 26 Marquardt, B. 30 Marquart, M. 25 Moosmann 28 Morris 23 Nealis 23 Parmentier 33 Purschke 26 Sciuto 27 Sharma 33 Smith, M 22 Triplett 28 Voss, C. 31 Voss, D. 32 Zastrow 34

Beautiful Fall Day Yesterday

13 Old Timers showed up yesterday to play on some of the slowest and bumpy putting surfaces that I have ever seen. It is starting to border on the ridiculous. After playing Meadow Lake Acres, Lake Valley, The Oaks, and Jefferson City CC over the past weekend...FCCC has fallen a noticeable amount in the last few years. Enough of my's just that this place was so much nicer 10 years ago when we joined....that's it no more complaining today.... Dave Aholt shot his age yesterday (congratulations!!!) and led his team consisting of Bob C, and Mike C to victory on the front +5, and total +4. Dave also won the front +5, tied the back, +2, and won total with +7. Excellent day Dave!! Team Charlie (V and J), along with Dave D won the back +3. Bob and Terry tied for 2nd on the front +3. Daves A and D, along with Ryan C tied for the back with +2. Dave D gets 2nd at +4 for total, and Bob C and Ryan C tied for third on total at +3. Only 5 Old Timers were positive yesterday, and they took home almost all of the cash. Let's hope for rapidly improving conditions at our course.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Tuesday Old Timer Action....

The Acting Commish provides yesterdays results. Word on the street is that the late start caused a few Old Timers to miss their bed time. And straight from the acting Commish's mouth..... Two teams of 4 tied the front at +3. Team Red consisted of Coleman, Hall, Eichelberger and Johnson. Team White had Charlie Voss, Harrison, Purschke and Moosmann. Team White won the back at +2 and total at +5. Individual honors went to Eichelberger at +5 on the front. Placing second on the front was Charlie Voss at +4. Harrison wins the back and total at +3, +6. Moosmann takes second on the back at +2. Charlie Voss takes second place total at +5. What is it with Bill Hall and his quota? This time he gave himself 31. Actually, he was a 30, but the error didn't come into play in any way ... this time. Now, however, he's back up to 31. Other quota movement included Bob Coleman dropping 1 to 35, Jim Eichelberger adding 1 to 29. Charlie Voss adds 1 to 31 and Rich Purschke drops 1 to 26. Aholt 30 Alferman, D. 30 Alferman, T. 33 Blackwell 30 Butler 29 Clark 35 Coleman 35 Crow 34 Curtis 33 Dister 30 Ecklekamp 38 Edmonston 24 Eggert 31 Eichelberger 29 Fortner 27 Gildehaus 26 Hall 31 Harrison 26 Homeyer 26 Isgriggs 16 Johnson 29 Kavanaugh 28 Kossmann 26 Lakebrink 21 Lamke 20 Loyd 26 Marquardt, B. 30 Marquart, M. 25 Moosmann 28 Morris 23 Nealis 23 Parmentier 33 Purschke 26 Sciuto 27 Sharma 33 Smith, M 22 Triplett 28 Voss, C. 31 Voss, D. 32 Zastrow 34

Friday, September 18, 2020

Quota Updates

Aholt +1 to 30. Hall -1 to 30. Morris +1 to 23. Harrison -1 to 26. Eichelberger -1 to 28. Aholt 30 Alferman, D. 30 Alferman, T. 33 Blackwell 30 Butler 29 Clark 35 Coleman 36 Crow 34 Curtis 33 Dister 30 Ecklekamp 38 Edmonston 24 Eggert 31 Eichelberger 28 Fortner 27 Gildehaus 26 Hall 30 Harrison 26 Homeyer 26 Isgriggs 16 Johnson 29 Kavanaugh 28 Kossmann 26 Lakebrink 21 Lamke 20 Loyd 26 Marquardt, B. 30 Marquart, M. 25 Moosmann 28 Morris 23 Nealis 23 Parmentier 33 Purschke 27 Sciuto 27 Sharma 33 Smith, M 22 Triplett 28 Voss, C. 30 Voss, D. 32 Zastrow 34

Georgeous Day...Not So The Final Results

12 Old Timers showed up to tackle the crooks and nannies we call home. Putting continues to be a serious challenge to putting up good scores. Two teams tied the front at +2 (you know who you are). Rich, Ryan C, and Charlies V and C won the back and total with =1, +2. With 12 we paid first, second and third we go..Dave D and Tim tie first and second on the front with very nice +3's. Rich and Dave A tie for third at +1. Ryan C, Charlie V and Dave A tie the back at +1. Tim, Daves A and D tie total with +2. 5/12 were positive yesterday. Once again, there will be no Old Timer of the Week recognized for stellar play....maybe this is caused by the surfaces we must putt on..maybe not. Remember that Tuesday is a late start around 230. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Updated Quotas

Only one change. Charlie Voss -1 to 30. Aholt 29 Alferman, D. 30 Alferman, T. 33 Blackwell 30 Butler 29 Clark 35 Coleman 36 Crow 34 Curtis 33 Dister 30 Ecklekamp 38 Edmonston 24 Eggert 31 Eichelberger 29 Fortner 27 Gildehaus 26 Hall 31 Harrison 27 Homeyer 26 Isgriggs 16 Johnson 29 Kavanaugh 28 Kossmann 26 Lakebrink 21 Lamke 20 Loyd 26 Marquardt, B. 30 Marquart, M. 25 Moosmann 28 Morris 22 Nealis 23 Parmentier 33 Purschke 27 Sciuto 27 Sharma 33 Smith, M 22 Triplett 28 Voss, C. 30 Voss, D. 32 Zastrow 34

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tuesday Saw Old Timers Tackle all 18 Holes!!

For the first time since whenever the Old Timers had the opportunity to play all 18 Holes. Eight of us showed up for a little 4 on 4. The weather was very accomodating, but the course looked a little shabby. As long as I'm giving the course conditioning a little grief..when are we going to hear from our superintendent an update on the USGA visit, and what our plan of action is?? Not too much to ask I hope. The team of Dave D, Dennis H, Rich and yours truly won all three legs of the team game +1, -3, -2. Rich and Charlie J tied the front at +1. Terry wins the back +4, and Dave D comes in second +2. Terry and Dave D tie total with +2. Good scores are getting hard to come by with the surfaces that we putt on. See you all Thursday.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Saturday Old Timer Play

Charlie J submitted the results from yesterdays game. The results are slightly different as Bill should have played to a 31 not a 30. RC< JE< BH< and CJ win the front at =6. DH, RP, and TM now win the back with -4. Both teams tie total at -11. RC and CJ tie the front +1, TM wins the back +1, and CJ wins total at +1, the only positive of the day. Please start the days play with the correct point total. Per the Acting Commish, all point totals remain the same.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Thursday Play

The Acting Commish continues his excellent coverage of Old Timer action... This is the first time we've had enough players to test drive our new payoff system. Nine players, including our newest member Randy Blackwell, were told to march to the 10th tee to begin our battle. There was a group that was given the go-ahead for a shotgun on the front nine. It's not always good to be a member, is it? Team Red F B T Team $ Individ. $ Entry $ Ttl + or - Eichelberger +2 +1 +3 $ .50 $4.50 -$3.00 +$2.00 Harrison -4 -2 -6 $ .50 0 -$3.00 -$2.50 Dister +1 +3 +4 $ .50 $5.50 -$3.00 +$3.00 Team Ttl -1 +2 +1 Team White Hall E +1 +1 $ .50 0 -$3.00 -$2.50 C. Voss E -6 -6 $ .50 0 -$3.00 -$2.50 Moosmann -1 +3 +2 $ .50 $2.00 -$3.00 -$ .50 Team Ttl -1 -2 -3 Team Blue Blackwell +2 E +2 $2.00 $3.00 -$3.00 +$2.00 Purschke -3 +4 +1 $2.00 $3.00 -$3.00 +$2.00 Johnson -2 +2 E $2.00 0 -$3.00 -$1.00 Team Ttl -3 +6 +3 As you can see, Teams Red and White split the front 9 with a blistering -1. Team Blue won the back with +6 and total with +3. Individually, the front was split by Eichelberger and Blackwell at +2. Dister placed third at +1. Purschke's +4 won the back. Dister and Moosmann tied for 2nd and 3rd at +3. Dister won total at +4. Eichelberger came in 2nd with a +3 and Moosmann and Blackwell tied for third at +2. All nine players cashed today in one way or another. The guys with the better scores took home a little more. And that was the intent. Reward those who played the best. Eichelberger +1 to 29. Hall +1 to 31. Moosmann +1 to 28. Blackwell +1 to 30. Purschke +1 to 27. Aholt 29 Alferman, D. 30 Alferman, T. 33 Blackwell 30 Butler 29 Clark 35 Coleman 36 Crow 34 Curtis 33 Dister 30 Ecklekamp 38 Edmonston 24 Eggert 31 Eichelberger 29 Fortner 27 Gildehaus 26 Hall 31 Harrison 27 Homeyer 26 Isgriggs 16 Johnson 29 Kavanaugh 28 Kossmann 26 Lakebrink 21 Lamke 20 Loyd 26 Marquardt, B. 30 Marquart, M. 25 Moosmann 28 Morris 22 Nealis 23 Parmentier 33 Purschke 27 Sciuto 27 Sharma 33 Smith, M 22 Triplett 28 Voss, C. 31 Voss, D. 32 Zastrow 34

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Golfing My Ball in Myrtle Beach

 Today I had the opportunity to play Tidewater Golf Club...which has been called the "Pebble Beach of the East Coast". While I wouldn't go that far it is a very good track that has 6 holes directly on the marsh and 2 holes on the intracoastal waterway. Lots of water, marsh and sand to avoid..but definately a challenging course to play. 

The guy driving the cart is my cousin Jim Curtis, one of the very few relatives from my dads side of the family. He currently lives in the Tidewater Community and had two of his Old Timer friends join us. This is my third round this trip...and the bermuda greens...and yes i am calling them greens are still giving me fits. 3 more 3 putts in my first 4 holes today. See you all next week.

Tuesday Results

 A few words from our Acting Commish and his vivid description of yesterdays play....

The day began with a lively discussion concerning one of the Oldtimers' local rules.  When a ball hits the stick and stays within gimme range, but is not in the hole, it is considered to be holed-out.  The culprit being the foam donut that is in some cases less than an inch from the surface of the cups.  It seems that there have been instances when shots from over 100 yards have been considered rejected by the foam and considered holed-out.  The 7 of us in attendance agreed that the hole-out must be validated by someone in the group.  The validation is somewhat simple when the shot is a chip or a putt with other players on the green, but not so simple when the shot is from a distance that can't be validated.  In other words, we agreed that there would be no holes-in-one or other hole-outs from a distance that can't be validated.  No hard feelings.  When the foam is finally and gratefully removed from the cups, we can return to golf as it was intended.  Simply said, "if it ain't in the hole, it ain't in the hole!"  Until then, validation from a playing partner is required.

The course was eerily vacant today.  We didn't tee off until 12:40 and 50, but still finished shortly after 4 p.m.  We again used the old system of payouts because we had fewer than the eight players on our new payout chart.  Today was owned by Bill Hall on the front.  He birdied 1 and 2 and shot a tidy, little 1-under.  The surfaces used for putting were a little more varied (shall we say) on the back.  They ranged from very slow (#10) to almost normal (#18) and everything in between.  Three players tied at +1 on the back ... Eichelberger, Purschke and Dister.  Three players tied for total as well ... Hall, Eichelberger and Dister all recorded +3.  Below are listed results and monies won and lost.  The Hall team won front and total.  Back nine was tied at +1 (each player was refunded $.75 entry for the back as is tradition.)

                                           Team $     Individual $    -Entry Fee       Ttl $
Hall                +4   -1   +3    $3.35             $2.30              -$3.00     +$2.65
Moosmann     +2    E   +2    $3.35                    0              -$3.00    +$  .35
Purschke         -1   +1    E    $3.35             $  .55              -$3.00     +$  .90
Dister             +2   +1  +3    $3.35             $1.10              -$3.00     +$1.45
   Team           +7   +1  +8

Eichelberger   +2   +1   +3   $  .75              $1.10             -$3.00      -$1.15
C. Voss           +2     E   +2   $  .75                     0             -$3.00      -$2.25
C. Johnson     +2     E   +2   $  .75                     0              -$3.00     -$2.25
    Team          +6    +1  +7

Dister +1 to 30.  Johnson +1 to 29.

Alferman, D.30
Alferman, T.33
Marquardt, B.30
Marquart, M.25
Smith, M22
Voss, C.31
Voss, D.32

Monday, September 7, 2020

Reporting Old Timer action from Myrtle Beach

 This week I will be reporting in from the Dye Villas at Myrtle Beach. To Charlie V...we made the trip in 15hr 10min and I never hit 80. There is a chipping area right behind our villa. A big thank you to the acting Commish for his writeup on Saturdays play.....well done as always Dave

The day was flawlesss ... no clouds ... a zephyr from the NW ... a comfortable mid 80s.  But only six Oldtimers appeared (others were seen, but were playing in different games.)  We elected to play the old 75-cent-per-person-team-Nassau and the 25-cent-per-person-individual-Nassau.  Charlie Johnson set the tone for the day by sinking a 15-footer on #1 for birdie ... and he never looked back.

Here are the results:            Team $    Individual $   Entry Fee    Ttl $ for the day
C. Johnson    +4   +4   +8      $4.50               $4.50        -$3.00             +$6.00
B. Hall          +2    -2     E      $4.50                     0         -$3.00             +$1.50
D. Dister       +2     E   +2      $4.50                     0         -$3.00             +$1.50
Team             +8   +2   +10

D. Harrison   -1   +2   +1              0                     0        -$3.00              -$3.00
D. Kossmann E   -6    -6               0                     0        -$3.00              -$3.00 
T. Moosman +3    E   +3               0                     0       -$.300               -$3.00
            Team +2   -4    -2

Charlie Johnso +1 to 28.  Bill Hall +1 to 30.  Dennis Kossmann +1 to 26.

Alferman, D.30
Alferman, T.33
Marquardt, B.30
Marquart, M.25
Smith, M22
Voss, C.31
Voss, D.32

Friday, September 4, 2020

Old Timer Action from Thursday

 Only 7 Old Timers showed up the team of Bill, Charlie J and C swept the team game with scores of +5, +2, +7. Bill wins the front +4. Rich  ties the back with Charlie J and C at +2 and Charlie C wins total with +4. Charlie comes in 2nd with +2 on the front, and Bill with +2 total gets 2nd there.

Dave Loyd +1 to 26.

Alferman, D.30
Alferman, T.33
Marquardt, B.30
Marquart, M.25
Smith, M22
Voss, C.31
Voss, D.32

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 Please do not wear your Dove colored golf clothing this week !!! Active shooting taking place near 11, 12 and 13 and you certainly don't want to be mistaken for a very healthy Dove. Just say'n.

See the source image
