Monday, September 28, 2020

Old Timer of the Week Award

Once again we have an Old Timer that has played well enough throughout the week to qualify for consideration as Old Timer of the week. To recap qualifying guidelines to be eligible for consideration of this prestigious award...An Old Timer must play at least 2 of the 3 eligible days, and not have any negative point nines during those days. This week Dave Aholt went +1, +1, +2, and a stellar +5, +2, +7 to take the honor of "Old Timer of the Week". Well played Dave!! Another Dave, the Acting Commish had an excellent Saturday, but slipped up a little earlier in the week, removing him from consideration. Several Old Timers took part in the clubs ryder cup matches over the weekend, and a good time was had by all. As I have done my share of pointing out deficiences throughout the golf course, it is only fair that I mention that the surfaces that we must putt on are starting to improve and the stimp has risen a little during the past week. we can only hope that the weather continues to provide good growing conditions. See you all tomorrow.

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